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I have change from windows 7 to windows 10

Jim_Karales Posts: 129
I have change from windows 7 to windows 10 does anybody out there know what to next, I could use the help thanks jim


  • Sukanta_Biswas
    Sukanta_Biswas Posts: 24,928
    Hello Jim_Karales
    We are very pleased that you have joined our king community. Here i am, trying to help you.🙏🏻

    I was very happy to hear that. :awesome:
    Download & install the app then log in. Here download link
  • Jim_Karales
    Jim_Karales Posts: 129
    Thank you for writing back the problem start 6-13-1019 when i played candy crush it wouldn't give any boosters instead it would give like 15 min for fish,15min for the check mark,15min for wheel,no boosters so i wrote to king care and mercerik wrote back and told that this was happen because i have windows7, mercerik said there are two choose get a new computer with windows10 or buy  windows 10 so i paid for windows 10 installed it' open windows 10 downloaded candy crush signed in my Facebook account and it the still doing the same thing nothing has change still no boosters, so i hope you can help, Jim

  • Sukanta_Biswas
    Sukanta_Biswas Posts: 24,928
    Hello @Jim_Karales
    very recent king changed their sugar drop rewards.The device may not be responsible for this. You will be the same to play any device. If you do not like Times Booster, you can request it to change. Request here
    I hope I was able to provide some clarity for you, and if there is any other question or concern that I could assist you with, please do not hesitate to reach back out to me! 
  • mercerik
    mercerik Posts: 3,617
    Thank you for writing back the problem start 6-13-1019 when i played candy crush it wouldn't give any boosters instead it would give like 15 min for fish,15min for the check mark,15min for wheel,no boosters so i wrote to king care and mercerik wrote back and told that this was happen because i have windows7, mercerik said there are two choose get a new computer with windows10 or buy  windows 10 so i paid for windows 10 installed it' open windows 10 downloaded candy crush signed in my Facebook account and it the still doing the same thing nothing has change still no boosters, so i hope you can help, Jim


    Hi Jim!

    Since Windows 7 does not Meet The Minimum Requirements to Run Candy Crush Saga App, I mentioned the 2 Options available to you and everyone else. I mentioned what users are up against with. I said that if you Opt for the Upgrade, you will have to check your Computer For Windows 10 Compatibility, if your computer pass the compatibility test, then buying the upgrade will be the cheapest way to go. Any computer tech will tell you that as well. Here is the link of the article that I posted at the Community:

    You can't just upgrade your Computer in moments time, you have to read on it and understand what you need to do before doing it. When it comes to Windows 10 Upgrade, we can't really assist you one on one on that. We don't have access to your computer. Microsoft on the other hand can since it is their product. They can access your computer remotely and fix it for you. Here is the link to Microsoft Support:

    Here is the ScreenShot of the Microsoft Support Website: 

    You will have to Click on Contact Support. It will take you to another page indicating the Name of the person the Operating System is Registered to. You can tell them what your issue is and the Support Person will assist you. If you want to talk to a live person ask for Support Phone Number from there.

    Hope this helps!
  • mercerik
    mercerik Posts: 3,617
    Thank you for writing back the problem start 6-13-1019 when i played candy crush it wouldn't give any boosters instead it would give like 15 min for fish,15min for the check mark,15min for wheel,no boosters so i wrote to king care and mercerik wrote back and told that this was happen because i have windows7, mercerik said there are two choose get a new computer with windows10 or buy  windows 10 so i paid for windows 10 installed it' open windows 10 downloaded candy crush signed in my Facebook account and it the still doing the same thing nothing has change still no boosters, so i hope you can help, Jim

    Hi Jim! I want to clarify something. Did you check your Computer for Windows 10 Upgrade Compatibility? Did it pass? Did you install the Upgrade yourself or did you pay someone like a Computer Technician?

    Please let me know!

  • Jim_Karales
    Jim_Karales Posts: 129
    Yes, a Computer Technician in my town did it.
  • mercerik
    mercerik Posts: 3,617
    Yes, a Computer Technician in my town did it.

    That is good! That means you don't have to go to Microsoft Support for Extra Help. Did you tell him the main reason why you were upgrading to Windows 10? What other things did he did aside from Upgrading? Did he work on the Microsoft Edge Browser to make sure it is fully functional? Did he remove and re-download the Google Chrome Browser? Did he uninstall the bad Candy Crush Saga Stand-Alone App and Reinstall it? Since you were paying him, you could have asked him to test and retest the Candy Crush Saga for you? If he didn't you can still ask or you can do it yourself.

    If this is my Computer, I will run Windows 10 Update until it says your system is Up-To-Date. After that, on Settings, I'll set the OS to Automatically Update at a certain time of the day when the computer is Idle. With this set, Windows 10 will update all the Programs & Apps in the Computer. It doesn't hurt to sometimes check with this set.

    Your browsers should be regularly checked for Updates because if neglected, your Flash Player will not be Updated. Google Chrome Updates this regularly when needed.

    You should regularly Update the Security Software running in your Computer especially when your Operating System is new. You should run your Security Scan to keep your computer safe. Make it a habit. 

    Please give me all the details so I can help you.

  • Jim_Karales
    Jim_Karales Posts: 129
    mercerik, when they installed window10 they did a clean installation they delete the hard drive so there nothing on this computer from before if you or someone can't help me than i have no choice but to close my Facebook account . I've over 300.00 dollars to change from windows 7 to windows 10 it wasn't worth it!! 

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