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Sending lives to friends

jwoodx5 Posts: 4

Level 1

I am further than my friends in levels and used to be able to scroll down to the levels my friends were on and send them lives with the heart envelopes. The list of friends and heart envelopes has disappeared and no longer shows up underneath each level. How do I get that back?


  • BeckyBubblegum
    BeckyBubblegum Posts: 540
    edited June 2019
    I have never seen a setup like you described here. What platform are you playing on?
    The life request envelopes you asked about should appear next to the heart (life) icon on your screen (mine is located at the top of my game window). To respond to a request, click on the icon and select the send button that appears next to your friend's name. Alternatively, you can send lives by clicking on the heart icon and selecting "Send". Then, select names from your friends list and click the Send button. Unless you are out of lives yourself, you will be able to send them to other players.
    Hope this helped! =)
  • jwoodx5
    jwoodx5 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I don't have a send option only ask friends :( 
  • jwoodx5
    jwoodx5 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    They used to show up at the bottom and have disappeared. 

  • jwoodx5
    jwoodx5 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    And there is no send option where you mentioned only ask friends 

  • Sulaursula120374
    Sulaursula120374 Posts: 4

    Level 1

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  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,552
    Hi @Jwoodx5, welcome to the Candy Crush Soda Saga community.  From the print screen above, it looks like it's from Candy Crush Saga, and not CC Soda Saga.  The sending lives in Candy Crush Saga has been changed.  Now you have to access it from a leader board before you open a level.  From the print screen below what you now have to do is to click on the pink lives button next to their picture.  It will open up a box asking if you want to send a life to the person and then on the bottom you click that you do. 

    I will have management move this message on Tuesday from this community to the CC Saga community.  @jwoodx5 I am also going to give you the link for the CC Saga community for future Saga support:

    I would also like to take a moment to offer you a message for all newbies to learn more about our CC Saga community which you can find here:

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