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Game Reviews

vzemba Posts: 1 Newbie
A lot of people are very unhappy with all the of the recent ”updates” to the game yet your stars and ranking in the app store hardly change? I’ve never seen my reviews posted and they are always respectful and appropriate. Are the ones used cherry-picked? Why doesn't anyone ever
use the actual comments when creating these ”fantastic” updates? 


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 36,250 Candy Moderator
    Hello @vzemba, Hearty Welcome to the Candy Crush section of our friendly King Community :)  

    I would like to ask few questions please.... 
    1) when you said you have never seen your reviews --  Did you post them here on the Community OR somewhere else?  If you post them on the Community forum, the King Team takes it as very valuable information and pass it on to the King Studio.  So they never remove them thinking those comments or reviews as inappropriate :+1:

    2) Can you provide the link for those Comments page OR may be "Copy & Paste" those comments here again?  

    3)  Not a question, but a response =)  None of these threads you see here are "Cherry-picked".... all of us -- who post their comments or answers, are regular players like you.  And we all can post here without any obligations.... to find answers for our questions or to find some help to pass a level or even to have fun :+1:  

    4)  Again not a question...  With regards to the "Updates" --  King studio brings certain features to some of the players ONLY as a "Test Feature" and according to their response, they will go ahead and deliver those special features to many players OR completely stop them.  You must be one of those "Test Players" who is receiving these new features!!

    Yes, I agree with you that all the updates are not very appealing or make us happy.  My best example is "Timed Sugar Drops"... I am not really that much favor to this feature.... but if you think from a different angle, when we are trying to win a Hard or Super Hard level, our stocked boosters will not be decreased from our bag!!  So, yeah!  I think there is + or - for any and all features =)  

    Hope I have clarified some of your doubts regarding the posts & comments!!  

    Please post back by tapping on "Type your Comment" box located below.

    Thank you for posting in the Community!  Have a nice day/evening!
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,760 Sweet Legend
    Hi @vzemba, welcome to our community.  I would like to take a moment to offer you a message for all newbies to learn more about our community which you can find here.  We always run contests so be sure to do them for a chance to win gold bars.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?