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Why is my game stuck on loading page?

corinamartinez88 Posts: 1 Newbie
my app wont upen it just stays on loading page. I try to exit start again but nithjng happen dont wont ti lose my boosters. 


  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,110 Candy Moderator
    Welcome to the community @corinamartinez88!  I certainly understand your desire to keep all those boosters you have saved.  One of the first things we recommend is to have you clear your cache and also check to make sure you have the latest version of the app by checking in the app store and making sure you have that version.  Then I would turn your device off and on (do a hard reboot).  Hopefully that will correct the problem.  If you are still having problems - please let me know and also can you tell me what device and model you are using (PC, Android, IOS) and whether you are connected via Facebook or
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,744 Sweet Legend
    Hi @corinamartinez88, welcome to our community.  I would like to take a moment to offer you a message for all newbies to learn more about our community which you can find here.  We always run contests so be sure to do them for a chance to win gold bars.

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