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Who Is Kathy?

DreamDancer Posts: 304
edited July 2019 in Discussions
My game crashed and left me with this screen.


  • Crimson_Dawn
    Crimson_Dawn Posts: 2,741 say the least.....@Jelly Jenny......I don't think this is on King's side, is it?......@DreamDancer......I think this is something wrong with your phone. Has it been acting strange lately? I get a really....weird feeling....just looking at......whatever that is....
  • Deryck
    Deryck Posts: 1,376
    Your phone is possessed! 😱

    (srsly, don't know. also srsly, this could be a next horror movie)
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,947
    @DreamDancer - actually that picture makes me think you are playing on an iPad.  Maybe you need it exorcised.😃😁😆 Hopefully your game can back OK after you did a hard reboot. 
  • DreamDancer
    DreamDancer Posts: 304
    edited July 2019
    Deryck said:
    Your phone is possessed! 😱

    (srsly, don't know. also srsly, this could be a next horror movie)
    Coming soon to a theater near you, Kathy's Phone, the story of a possessed phone seeking to be reunited with it's owner and will let nothing stand in it's way. Beware of the unknown caller, it may be your last phone call.

    Another unremarkable production from Scraping The Bottom Movie Studios.
  • DreamDancer
    DreamDancer Posts: 304
    Today, it's Rebecca's turn to be displayed.
  • DreamDancer
    DreamDancer Posts: 304
    Today it is Diana.
  • Crimson_Dawn
    Crimson_Dawn Posts: 2,741
    @DreamDancer, this is really strange! I'm tagging @Elsa to look at this.
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,552
    Thanks for tagging me @Crimson_Dawn and guys thanks for the laugh that I just got when reading you messages!  @DreamDancer, to me it looks like it's a phone issue.  Is this still happening since you wrote the first time?  You can't even get into the game?  I think your only choice would be to set it back to factory settings but please be aware if you have any lives and boosters you will lose them because they are only saved to your device.  But if you can't play the game, you might as well reset it back to the factory settings.  This way your game will be fresh again.
  • DreamDancer
    DreamDancer Posts: 304
    edited July 2019
    Elsa said:
    I think your only choice would be to set it back to factory settings but please be aware if you have any lives and boosters you will lose them because they are only saved to your device.
    Nope, not going to do that, would be too serious of a hit on my progress.

    The game works, it's just on entry into levels after a bit that the game gets those strange screens.
    So I just have to restart the game after a few rounds.
    At least it's not during game play so I don't lose anything.
    P.S. It's a Dell Venue 7 Tablet.

    And Rebecca is back in the spotlight.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,552
    @DreamDancer there are a few glitches going on right now.  I am going to tag @Jelly Jenny who is the community moderator and she should be looking at this message when she gets back into the office.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?