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Dynamic Duo

JuliaM Posts: 60

Level 3

Anyone else lose their buddy? My Dynamic Duo thingy disappeared a few days ago. We were good at it; our longest streak was 77. Wondering if it's been discontinued.


  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,933
    edited July 2019
    Hi @JuliaM - sorry to hear that your buddy has disappeared.  I just noticed mine has disappeared too and my buddy was pretty good also.  I just checked in my settings under features and sure enough - the dynamic Duo has been removed.  I don't know if this is for everyone or if we are in another test group that no longer has the dynamic Duo.  We'll see if other people comment in this thread also.  The only thing I currently have where you depend on other people to help you is the Fantastic Five.
  • JuliaM
    JuliaM Posts: 60

    Level 3

    Thanks, @bearwithme, it is probably in order to make room for the Fantastic Five (which I don't have yet 😬). The FF sounds good though!
  • Kazza-3
    Kazza-3 Posts: 232
    My Dynamic Duo disappeared on Monday & no longer appears on my features list either.
    I do have the Fantastic Five, but it’s not working this week, none of the points I’m earning are registering so I have a big “0” beside my name.
    But I don’t see anything all that great about it. It takes a long time to earn small rewards.

    I also lost my bot again, it was gone, then back for a week & now it’s gone again. 
  • CCgum
    CCgum Posts: 4

    Level 1

     Mine disappeared a couple days ago as well. I hope it comes back. I’ve had the same partner since day one so I kind of feel like I’ve lost a friend lol. 
  • Anngie
    Anngie Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Same with me, lost my partner last week after a couple of months together. We were a great Duo (Silvia), level 82. Now neither Dynamic Duo or Fantastic Five show up in my options.....what is going on ????????? 
  • ernstbln
    ernstbln Posts: 297
    I have never had a buddy that did anything. had a 57 game winning streak broken up when FB was down and now because I only get 30 levels a week. I had to for both of us the whole time
  • Rejeane
    Rejeane Posts: 1

    Level 1

    My buddy also disappeared.. so sad.. I loved the feature.. please add it  back...
  • Jem21
    Jem21 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Mine has disappeared too :(
  • _lala_
    _lala_ Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Same story Dynamic Duo feature anymore and before my buddy Michael never seemed to play...after switching partner a few times i've understood that Michael wasn"t the problem, but the system :(

    Where are the solutions/ helping hand from King??
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Hi guys, welcome to our community.  I would like to take a moment to offer you a message for all newbies to learn more about our community which you can find here.  We always run contests so be sure to do them for a chance to win gold bars. 

    I responded to one other player who said that they don't see their Dynamic Duo.  I opened my game on Windows 10 and it kept spinning and spinning and after about 10 minutes it opened up. 

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?