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Club for beginners!



  • sophfia
    sophfia Posts: 77

    Level 3

    Oh also since this was my idea can I be something special like a club organizer? I could help arrange the ideas and stuff. Although of  course Jelly Jenny will still have top charge. I do not think I'm advanced or experienced to be a president, but I would like to be something special. Like "club moderator" or maybe "club junior moderator"!😁
  • sophfia
    sophfia Posts: 77

    Level 3

    Guys can I make a discussion about asking if anyone has ideas? I made a draft I just wanted to ask.
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Hi @sophfia, we need to all be working together to figure this out.  I should be around during the weekend?  What about you?  Maybe whoever else posted here will have time to work with this.

    I'm not 100% sure what Jelly Jenny meant by a poll.  She wants to know what type of tips and help the players joining would be looking for.  But we would all have to put our heads together for a poll.  Besides videos, you said that you are a beginner in the game correct?  Is there anything specific that you would want to learn from the experienced players in the club?  I have video guides for this game.  There are 3 of them posted in the Superstars Blog area.  Here is the guide for the beginner
    and here is the Combos on how they work  The third video is on the events but it's probably outdated by now. 

    I know that every once in a while a player writes here calling a booster or a blocker by the wrong name so from the video guide you can see them and we can create something for the beginners so they know the correct names for them.

    We have a Communitips message and we could pull some of the good tips from here.

    Think of what else you might need to know and we can put something together.  Jelly Jenny is willing to set it up but we need a good base before we even post anything.  So let's come up with some good solid ideas and I can throw some messages together to present to her on Monday.

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,927
    I should be able to pop in for a little bit this weekend and put in my two cents worth.  I'll make sure to check on line to see whats going on with this thread and our discussion/brainstorming.  Always glad to try and help. 😊
  • sophfia
    sophfia Posts: 77

    Level 3

    Ok I don't know if I will be able to work on it too much this weekend but I might. I don't mind if you guys go ahead without me though. 
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Well then share your list of what you have here and I'll see what we can come up with.  I will be going off my computer soon and I don't really like typing on my phone but send whatever you have here and I'll look it over in the morning.
  • sophfia
    sophfia Posts: 77

    Level 3

    I  kind of already did. Look in the comments here and you'll see!
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    I am now on my phone so I will go back up to the top tomorrow morning and check it out.  In the meantime look at the videos and communitips to see if there is something that you think would be a big help to new players.
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    edited July 2019
    Ok I am now back on my phone!  I went into the Communitips area and did a copy/paste of all the good ideas that would help a beginner.
    @sophia, I just did a copy/paste of all your suggestions and I'm going to work on that in a bit and get back to you.  With regards to you being involved, YES, I expect to give you a title!  You mentioned  club organizer and "club moderator".  What skills could you bring to the club?  I will keep you busy as I know what it's like to be a President and be able to designate areas.  So let's all share what skills we have and then we can mold it together.  I also want to mention the title "Mentor" and that would be for an experienced player who might be able to offer some suggestions maybe on clearing a level or whatever.
    So below I will post some titles.
    President - oversees the group and designates job function
    Vice-President - helps the President and whatever other ideas we could designate to that job
    Secretary - I suggested @bearwithme and she is comfortable with it
    Public Relations (2) - help get the word out by sharing and tagging players that we have this club
    @MataiceAlison how about you?  Do you want to get involved in the committee forming?  What are you skills and how far are you in the game?
    @firebombmarkus how about you take on the public relations?  We could have more than one who handles public relations so one person does not feel tied down if time is not always available.
    It's going through my head right now, and I'm wondering do we need those formal titles when we know what can be done by each of us?
    So here are some ideas that just came to me at this crazy hour of the night.
    Call it "The Mentoring Club"?  We could all be mentors here.  The titles above might not really be suited for gaming (nothing against what you suggested @sophia).  Then we could break it down as follows:
    Senior Mentors who are experts in the game and the community.  We could have 4 to start, and that would replace the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Public Relations.
    Middle of the road mentors where you have some good ideas, good game skills and you can help search here or on Google when a new player has a question. 
    Then we can have mentor-in-training kind of thing.  Where you will learn as you grow and help get this off the ground and as you advance in the game, you could be moved up to mid-mentoring.
    Let's respond below and let's share what skills we all have that can be utilized in this club.  You guys already know what skills I have so I'll leave it up to the rest of you.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Now I am going to attach the list of Communitips and who would like to volunteer to sort them out and maybe put them into categories, if possible?  I love to do images so if we categorize them I could find images to attach to each category somehow or maybe add a character to each category.  Let's first get the list of tips down to single sentences or shorter anyway.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?