Looks like it. I need some help on level 5248. I hate these levels. I just cant fathom out what column the cherries have to go in and theres no way you can cheat whatever boosters you have if you dont understand this.Β
@Mim_ I have completed all the levels. I just looked back at 5248, I do not like this type of level either. Not sure what I did to pass. It does appear to be a stinky one. I think maybe it was one of those levels that I got lucky on. π
@Scooterpie, oh I was hoping you would be able to help me. I'll ask my daughter to look at it. She doesn't play it now but being younger and smarter than me then she can work it out π
@Mim_ I went back and played it a couple of times and I remember how to get the cherries down. I started with Space Dash up to max. The Screenshot below shows where you need to get the cherries to drop to. I believe I used some hand switches when I got the cherries into a good position. π
@Mim_@Scooterpie I have also completed the 3 newly released stages. The problem has always been that when they release 45 games at once, there is invariably levels that need adjusting and poorly designed levels. This lot was no exception.
Level 5248 is one of the stupid levels that occasionally raise their head. I also used 3 switches and a couple of hammers, but the things to watch are when the cherry is lined up with the exit hole, it reappears on the opposite side's entry hole, but you must only move everything on that side down 1 level, if not the cherry will fall to the bottom again. Then you need to get the cherry on the middle belt and get it to the middle section. This where the switches come into play and the hammers are to move the cherry down only 1 row.
Hope this helps @Mim_ Also I am nearly 58 and live in Australia.
@Peter_Tornaros Thank you for that wonderful explanation. Amazing you living in Australia explains the times when you reply to me. I'm just getting up and you are in bed π