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Level 4349 candy crush unbeatable!! Help please!



  • CristinaRun
    CristinaRun Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Me pasa exactamente igual
  • dixiebelle
    dixiebelle Posts: 7

    Level 2

    @CristinaRun looks like Candy Crush people need to fix the level
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    I will tag @Jelly Jenny to come see this message when she comes in on Monday but I'm not sure that it's a glitch.  Let her check and she will definitely let you know.

    @CristinaRun, please only use English in this community at this time.
  • mazkram
    mazkram Posts: 2

    Level 1

    this exact same thing has been happening to me.  i have never looked up how to complete a level in candy crush and i did for this one as i could not figure out how to complete it and noticed that the videos are all completed with the 2 yellow candies still there,  whereas mine get destroyed when i use the stripe and my cherry gets stuck. 
  • tsaytds
    tsaytds Posts: 259
    edited August 2019
    This is the most interesting level so far for me. I had helped someone days before. After extensive tested on this level with varies platforms, there were four outcomes:
    1. yellow candies remain, like most videos on youtube. In fact this is wrong.
    2. yellow candies are replaced by others. This is the correct result.
    3. yellow candies disappear, but if you can make the board reset, other color candies appear, this rear happy.
    4. yellow candies disappear and never filled. This is your case.

    To solve your problem you have three choices:
    1. wait for King to fix it;
    2. try other platform;
    3. use one or two handswitch booster to move the cherry. The booster should be applied at last move when passing the level is certain.
  • Dorina_Baicus
    Dorina_Baicus Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Level 4349 it is wrong! Please help me!
  • dixiebelle
    dixiebelle Posts: 7

    Level 2

    If I had any hands I would use them, I have spent days playing C levels to try and get some hands, but here lately, they only hand out other boosters like chocolate bomb for 10 minutes. Maybe I can log onto a PC and try it. 
  • mazkram
    mazkram Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I've tried on a pc and it didn't work.  same thing happens.  I've managed to get my hands a amazon kindle fire tablet and got past it,  finally! the yellow candies don't disappear there. 
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    That is great news @mazkram!  Thanks for letting us know.
  • RegalRenz
    RegalRenz Posts: 8,495
    Hello @Dorina_Baicus and welcome to the community! Can you please explain what's happening with the level or can you post a screenshot showing the issue you're having?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?