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I never got a new Fantastic5 team, now no new daily quests either?


When the latest time came to find a new F5 team, I somehow ended up on *exactly* the same team. Every member is the same. The order of list is the same. I thought it was strange and was a little disappointed as only three of us really played last round. I think the fourth player did have a few log-in points and the fifth had none. (I was the third most winning so I am not complaining that I was carrying the team, just stating that I was contributing.) 

However now I see that it must be a complete glitch and I am not on any team at all. No one is earning points. Even the two other players who were winning more points than I was are at zero. 

Anyone else had this?

To top it off, today my daily quests are gone. 

I am connected to the internet and have no problems connecting with Candy Crush Friends. I got my daily reward calendar too so I don’t understand what is happening. 

Thanks in advance for any insight.

Best Answers

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Answer ✓
    Hi @HellsBelle, if you think that your Fab Five is weird look at mine!  I think I'm the only player.  The last couple of times I got the message saying that they were sorry but it ended - no luck getting anything.  Look at the name of these players?  Could they be real or bots?

  • HellsBelle
    HellsBelle Posts: 519
    edited August 2019 Answer ✓

    @Elsa yes!!! Yours looks much more suspicious than mine but this is the same team and the same order I had last time! They did get points but we didn’t meet the goal either. Very very strange. Thanks for responding! 
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Answer ✓
    I've lost more times than won with this.  I think only once we made it to the second reward.  Never got close to the third reward.


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Answer ✓
    Hi @HellsBelle, if you think that your Fab Five is weird look at mine!  I think I'm the only player.  The last couple of times I got the message saying that they were sorry but it ended - no luck getting anything.  Look at the name of these players?  Could they be real or bots?

  • HellsBelle
    HellsBelle Posts: 519
    edited August 2019 Answer ✓

    @Elsa yes!!! Yours looks much more suspicious than mine but this is the same team and the same order I had last time! They did get points but we didn’t meet the goal either. Very very strange. Thanks for responding! 
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Answer ✓
    I've lost more times than won with this.  I think only once we made it to the second reward.  Never got close to the third reward.
  • HellsBelle
    HellsBelle Posts: 519
    edited August 2019
    @Elsa This is true. I don’t know if I ever got to the second reward. maybe once? I don’t care much for the team factor or even if I lose. It is just a lollipop. However what made me take note was the absolute absurdity OR error that I would somehow go to the exact same team on the very next round of fantastic five. Plus you also have to consider that these other 4 “players” also ended up on exactly the same team. So that’s 5 people that randomly ended up together again? Um....

    Then when my daily quests disappeared today it made me think that something was up. Like am I getting phased out of bonuses? I have not been that active in this community but I know a lot of people had problems with losing various boosters or going to timed sugar drops (i am still good on that). I never had build-a-bot but I had the Morts helmet et al. I stopped playing daily or having the longer sessions when the Morts helmet jazz went away because it was harder to get a good run going without the extra help. Those individual boosters were much more helpful than this team one. I really really hate to lose the daily quests. 
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Yes that is very strange that all 5 of you ended up again on the same team.  When it starts again please let me know if you still have the same 5.  Did you not get the Space Race?  My sugar drops are the timed boosters and I can't use them because I'm always at the top waiting for new levels.
  • HellsBelle
    HellsBelle Posts: 519
    I still have the Space Race, episode race (Which I could also do without), daily win stickers, daily spin wheel, and daily treat calendar. Also the aforementioned “fantastic” five. 

    For me daily quests were probably the most fruitful (other than the spin wheel and the great calendar). Sigh. I hope they come back. 

    Thanks again for responding. I guess we will see what shakes out with the next round of the fantastic 5. Please let me know if you do hear that either of the things I mentioned are a bug from the update or I should do something to ensure I get my daily quests back. @Elsa
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    If I hear anything I will let you know.
  • janeEmarshall1111
    janeEmarshall1111 Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Same here. Only me and one other getting points and other 3 are zeros.
  • Roopanarayan
    Roopanarayan Posts: 46

    Level 3

    Same with me, only me and the other get any points, others all seem to be fake

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