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Losing Boosters

Player4ever Posts: 2 Newbie
All my boosters were gone. Dont know why.


  • Sukanta_Biswas
    Sukanta_Biswas Posts: 24,932 Crushing Legend
    Hi @Player4ever
    We would like to welcome you to the king community. Thank you so much for being willing to joining 🤗

    In the case of Android and I-Phone, your collected booster is stored in phone memory.
    This stored booster can not be synced with the server, because the game studio still does not have this process.You will not be able to transfer the boosters to another device, you will lose the complete booster for app uninstalling or crashing. And the boosters are not refundable.

    Here are some tips for not/less facing this kind of problem in the future,
    Make your device software auto update.
    Make your game app auto update.
    Don't open game when battery below 25%
    Don't accept incoming call when you playing this game.
    Close all background running app before start this game.
    Make free device internal memory up to 2 GB
    Keep RAM free.
    I hope I was able to provide some clarity for you, and if there is any other question or concern that I could assist you with, please do not hesitate to reach back out to me!   
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,741 Sweet Legend
    Hi @Player4ever, welcome to our community.  I would like to take a moment to offer you a message for all newbies to learn more about our community which you can find here.  We always run contests so be sure to do them for a chance to win gold bars.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?