We warmly welcome you to the Friendly King Community's Candy Crush Saga forum.🤗
Although I'm not sure, I'll be able to give you accurate information tomorrow.😊
Level 1
Is there a place to openly protest and encourage King to bring Paradise Bay back? I miss it so bad....I routinely check the App Store to see if it’s been restored...I miss it awful.
Welcome to the community @Tammiej97
Unfortunately Paradise Bay has gone for good and even worse, it wasn't Kings decision but their parent company Activision. They made a lot of cuts and PB had to be one of them. Believe me I know how you feel. Funky Bay is similar but nowhere near as good and I have yet to find anything else out there the same.
We can only hope someone else makes one 🤞
I Still haven't removed the app!
Ugh worse than I imagined. Thank you, I unfortunately can not reinstall the app on my new phone the logo is still in my list but I cannot download it. So heartbroken. I played from maybe within a month or two of launch until it was over. And I’m like a kid, I feel sad I don’t have it.😂 I used to check my goods while grocery shopping and play while waiting for the kids at pickup —ugh I’m just sick we can’t get it back!
thanks for your help!
Me too! And yes you can’t download it as it’s no longer available. I occasionally click on it just to torture myself but it doesn’t find the server.
The king team had such plans for a new community too, I know the CMs on here were just as gutted as I was. Believe me they knew how gutted I was. I couldn’t even bring myself to go and use gems to get as many pet stickers as I could. I didn’t go back from the announcement date. I didn’t want to leave the pets I had.
I am hoping that somebody capatilises on it and realises there is a market, funky bay is similar, in some ways better but there are no pets and the glitches that never get fixed are annoying. In their defence we swamped their small game and they couldn’t keep up. I Play and buy gems but it is a stop gap until something else better comes along. I would petition game companies but I wouldn’t know where to start lol. I’m sure in the spirit of goodwill, king could sell the rights. Well legally it’s probably tied up in knots but I can dream 😂