I want the Dexter Challenge active in the game, don’t mind the duration of the Space Race
I didn't had the Dexter Challenges for a long time I'm really eager to play it in my phone again,cause I needed I'm in level 5960 and I need the boosters
I don't mind the frequency, but I'd love to see more planets
Dear community,
For all of you that have voted, thanks a lot! Let's have a look at the results we've got so far:
For now, the most voted option is still: "I want the Dexter Challenge in the game! I don't mind the duration."
I've been sharing this information also to Dexter and he's really happy about it. The majority wants to see him in the game. 🙂
Alright, I'm going to leave this poll open for the rest of the year, we need to Candy Crushers to come and vote for their option! Remember that this feedback will be forwarded to the Studio and some changes might be applied to our dear Dexter.
@Pounawea can you please ask the studio what's going on with Dexter? I had him last night and had built up a bunch of color bombs in one try and when the level ended the challenge wasn't there anymore. This morning I opened up my game on Windows 10 and whatever I collected last night is not showing up! It's back today but I have to start at the beginning all over again.