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No longer able to exit an unstarted board without losing lives - Information and feedback



  • Posts: 3,617

    It affects me and now I'm stuck on my level forever... :lol:


    If you only knew how long I have been stuck. I lost my boosters! I lost gift of lives! It is infuriating! 

    Person Pouting on Facebook
  • Posts: 187
    mercerik said:

    Can you please change the Title of this Thread to 
    Heads-up On New Candy Crush Saga Game Change: 
    Resetting The Board Will Cost You A Life

    to spread this news to members keeping them informed
    of this Trending Topic? This will minimize new
    Plea For Help Postings. I am sure this place will be
    flooded with angry people. Don't you agree?

    Fully agree with this; an excellent suggestion. The title of this thread needs to be urgently changed so that it correctly reflects what this "fix" (which in fact is not a fix at all) is about. As it is now, the affected players do not find this thread, and so we have a lot of newly posted threads concerning the change. Many people are surprised and angry; they had no idea this change was coming.
  • Posts: 2

    Level 1

    What a bunch of BS!! If I’m not allowed to reset the board anymore then I’ll simply stop playing. Resetting the board is a STRATEGY and is not cheating or an issue that has to be fixed. Since you removed that ability, it’s only NOW become an issue that absolutely needs to be undone. Quit being greedy! Super disappointed in the king corporation for allowing this. It’s clear that NONE of the players are happy about this...
  • Posts: 12

    Level 2

    This game is so frustrating  have you people ever heard if it aint broke don't fix it??? Idk why u always have to mess with stuff we should be allowed to reset the board ....i logged in today and your powers that be had stripped me of all my booster bot or seasonal stock iij ngs whatever they are now AND NOW I CANT BACK OUT UNLESS I WANT TO LOSE A LIFE????? This is s complete nonsense!!  I will stop buting boosters and gold bars and would hope that other players stop as well....rediculous!!! 
  • Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I’m actually a little unsure if this is really as bad as I first thought and most seem to be making out. Yes it’s odd that this “fix” has come about so late but I’ll be honest and say it was a bit of a cheat that I’d use to combine colour bombs with another booster, no skill or tactic involved there. 

    I found the time limited boosters a much more blatant money grabbing change which killed an actual tactic of collecting boosters to use at a later stage when needed more. 

    If I find myself stuck on a level for far too long now then maybe I will consider calling it a day but I wouldn’t be as hasty as others in giving up on the game completely. The game evolves sometimes for the better but mistakes will be made along the way, if King sees a big drop in players as a result of this change I’m sure they’ll act. 
  • Posts: 47

    Level 3

    Timhung said:
    Please release 1 episode every week.
    Actually a lot of levels is not very good. (I mean the quality)
    Totally agree with this. It seems like they rush to make 45 levels every week, and it feels like not much thought has been put in some of the levels so King should reconsider this. 

    And yes, this 'fix' has happened to me today. Boo to you King :(
  • Posts: 44

    Level 3

    I'm new so it doesn't make sense why anyone would need to enter and then exit a level without beginning it. U original players must have switched so many gems that u lost ur mind. 
  • Posts: 12

    Level 2

    We exit and go back in so it shuffles tge board to get a better board we are not crazy im on level 2833 and some are on level 5000 and 6000 so yes if ur new u probably wouldnt understand but once u play a while u learn things and that was one of rhe ways we could reset or shuffle the biard but now they want us to lose a life when we didnt even make a move its atupid rhey are always "fixing" things that dont need fixed they are only trying to benefit themselves they dont care about their players its all about the all mighty dollar 
  • Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Shame this has happened, if it’s to remain at least put things like 2 colour bombs together or any other boosters together. I’ve found another great game, Simons Cat, that gives multiple hours of fun (for free!!). My days of CC could well be coming to an end. 
  • Posts: 4

    Level 1

    MyBurba said:
    I'm new so it doesn't make sense why anyone would need to enter and then exit a level without beginning it. U original players must have switched so many gems that u lost ur mind. 
    It isn’t really necessary early on as the levels are quite simple but the further you get and as the levels get harder it’s quite often much easier to start a level with boosters and continually exit and restart until you can make a combo such as a double colourbomb, some levels can actually be passed in one move doing this.  

    Kind of defeats the whole object and spirit of the game but is very tempting when you get stuck on a level for days or weeks at a time!
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