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💡 Please only post ideas on how we can improve the game Candy Crush Saga!
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Stop making bad changes just to make changes

Candy crush is literally the one and only game I take time to play. After all of the recent changes I am about fed up. The most ridiculous one is the loss of life and bonus when you try to exit a level you have entered to play. Several times now I have entered a level forgetting to add something I meant to and it's too late.  This is a terrible addition to the game. If candy crush has run out of good ideas it doesn't mean you have to throw in bad ideas just to say you upgrated or changed the game.  The 2nd biggest problem which is equally as frustrating is when you win multiple levels and a row and reach maximum bonuses then exit the game and come back only to find you are starting all over from scratch and the bonuses are nowhere to be found. This has been an ongoing problem for quite some time and is absolutely ridiculous and frustrating. It seems some of these issues should be relatively simple to fix in the software. Unless some things change back to the game that became so popular then I will have to find a new game elsewhere. What you had before obviously worked so I would suggest stop making changes and trying to fix something that's not broken. 
5 votes

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  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Thanks for posting this idea, however, I think this is more of a comment than an idea.  Please post your thoughts in the support area here.   Closing this idea now. 
This discussion has been closed.

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