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What's your favourite Candy? Share your sweet moment and win Gold Bars! (finished)



  • ziggy53
    ziggy53 Posts: 72

    Level 3

    Oh may goodness I was just playing around but thank u anyway very kind of u t

  • Sharon_Loose
    Sharon_Loose Posts: 1,900

    @lulu13 yes those too πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹as I said my favourites are just about anything I can get πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  • SexyCrush
    SexyCrush Posts: 167

    Jellybeans and chocolate Bunnies are my early Spring addiction!🍭🍬🍫

  • Sofia1992
    Sofia1992 Posts: 2,526

    Oh gosh @Sharon_Loose .

    Where did you find that box?

    Oh my...After eating my dinner now, I will gonna need to eat the half of those tasty kit kats and I would shared the other half ones with my sweet buddy @candycrushinit .

    I would shared everything with her.

    And oh..I didn't know that @frenioz00 loved kits kats too!~

  • Hyposse
    Hyposse Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Miam miam, pour tous les Candy Croqueurs 😍

  • Dolores_walker1960
    Dolores_walker1960 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    My favorite is Reese's peanut butter

  • candycrushinit
    candycrushinit Posts: 12,603

    Aww...that's so nice @Sofia1992

    After all, I do enjoy chocolate and white chocolate Kit Kats. I definitely need to get one of those myself! πŸ˜‹

  • Sofia1992
    Sofia1992 Posts: 2,526

    Yeah my sweetie @candycrushinit .

    And don't forget to mention that Kit kat has a lot of flavors like apple, banana and the list goes on and on and on.

    Somewhere I read that NestlΓ© Japan has released over 350 varieties ofΒ Kit KatsΒ since 1973.

    350 varieties they said...Oh god!

    Right now, I only tried the classic ones which are the chocolate one and the white one, you know and they were very tasty.

  • Sharon_Loose
    Sharon_Loose Posts: 1,900

    @Sofia1992 they were specials on sale at Christmas, the bottom box part folds out to a circle, there were salted caramel and another box that were mixed flavours they were bite sized. I never knew there were all those flavours you have said, I’d love the banana ones πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ₯°

  • candycrushinit
    candycrushinit Posts: 12,603

    I can't wait to try them all @Sofia1992 πŸ˜‹

    As soon as I travel to Japan one day, I can enjoy the variety of 350 flavors of crunchy Kit Kats. The classic ones were good though. I wish to go there now, but you know what's going on worldwide and that's killing me 😞

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