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Build-a-Bot update



  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,976

    Hi @stoppardi . Welcome to our Community 🙎

    Some features have been removed from the game and some changes have been made to improve the game.So if something is missing in the game, stay tuned since it means that a new features will soon come up!

    You will find more information HERE.

  • BekirE
    BekirE Posts: 2

    Level 1

    After this change, CCS is out of my game portfolio. Because I am at 2300s and how will I reach 6000s after this change? Please reconsider. I want to get this booster by replaying previous levels. Another advantage of replaying previous levels was I was getting more game points. It was beneficial in terms of both perspective.

  • EstelleLauder
    EstelleLauder Posts: 2

    Level 1

    It sucks that they took this feature out, making it no fun to play anymore.

    I really need a full bot to complete levels.

    How can they do this to us, especially in this time of lock down :(

  • Tkeila
    Tkeila Posts: 8

    Level 2

    At leastbu can buy boosters I can't nor can I use the booster wheel

  • feraldulce
    feraldulce Posts: 2

    Level 1

    The reading comprehension of the moderators who support this game is horrible. Ignore the problem and defend the game at all cost. The game has become a game of luck. Impossible to beat without buying boosters. These people who are defending it and are at level 6700 have got there with the advantage of going in and out of a level waiting for a lucky board. they won levels with 30 moves that now only allow 15 moves. They stockpiled boosters by the 100s. They don't know what they're talking about. There are boosters on this game I have never recieved and I'm in the 3700 levels. I

    If I'm at level 3700 do I care about the changes at 2400?

    their answers are disingenuous at best and appear to be outright lies.

  • Ticktack
    Ticktack Posts: 2

    Level 1

    ich spiel dieses Spiel schon ziemlich lange aber mittlerweile habe ich keine Lust mehr. Level 6511 ist auf Youtube ohne Gitter und Kekse spielbar, also wurde es erschwert. Warum man „bau den Bot“ nicht mehr mit abgeschlossen Levels erspielen kann, erschließt sich mir nicht. Es gibt keine Zeitlevels mehr und auch die Antwort der Moderatoren finde ich nichtssagend. Ich werde das Spiel löschen.

  • BekirE
    BekirE Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Yeah, the difference of number of moves between the early history of game and today. Good point.

  • EstelleLauder
    EstelleLauder Posts: 2

    Level 1

    edited March 2020

    King! Your customers are unhappy!

    I could live with you taking away the option of leaving a game without losing a life,

    however :

    you taking away the build a bot by playing previous levels feature totally takes out all the fun

    Especially in these times of quarantine you can't deprive us of the joy this game brings

    Please give us back the build a bot/previous level system,

    Thank you

  • Brenda_Weber
    Brenda_Weber Posts: 23

    Level 3

    I had earned a color bomb from the Build a Bot on a new level and when I went to the next level it didn't even give it to me. King is really screwing the pooch on this one and it's obvious from the radio silence that they could care less about the players at this point. Money, money, money, money; that's all they're thinking of....

  • Jackie_Coe
    Jackie_Coe Posts: 104

    Just over a week ago I got b a bot back but obviously ONLY TO BUILD ON NEW LEVELS. I limped along slowly and got it up to about half way, only to loose it again, play a level over over over and then some again, you all know how that one goes.....

    so I am on level 6628 with half a bot of boosters THEN THIS MORNING NO BOT AT ALL


    I am now getting paranoid because I think that they see I have posted comments on this and other it me?????

    Stay safe everyone!

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