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A Way For You to Make Money But Not Anger Gamers

Here we are, quarantined with nothing to do, and that’s when you decide to make the game less easy and less fun. I know you need to make money, but why don’t you do what other games do, charge something like $4 or $5 for ad free games. Or even charge a smaller amount monthly. But I’m not going to submit to your money grubbing. I want my ways of getting more boosters back or I’ll find something else in which to zone out while all outside activities are concealed.


  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    hello and welcome to this community

    This has nothing to do with the idea, but belongs in the discussion area to discuss !!!


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Thanks for tagging me @Spinnifix. Welcome to our community @Ellie_Hood. You are not going to get much visibility in the Ideas area. You would be better off posting in the Support area here. You will have many more players see your thoughts and perhaps even add to your message. Closing this idea for now.

This discussion has been closed.

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