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Unlimited lives in these anxious times!



  • Marzia333
    Marzia333 Posts: 1,755

    Take care of you😥 @Spinnifix

  • desdee
    desdee Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I am hoping you are hearing our cries! We want unlimited lives! We are all stuck at home doing the right thing craving for more CC! Please help us!!

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,813

    Hi @desdee . Welcome to our Community 🙎

    The 24h Unlimited Lives are added to your game every afternoon this week and you need to be located in UK, Spain and Italy

    If you are in any of those countries, make sure the app is updated to the latest version. After this force close the app and restart the device and hopefully the Lives will get added correctly later today.

    Stay Safe

  • desdee
    desdee Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Thank you for your reply, I am located with in the U.S. is there anything being offer for us??

  • nehat101
    nehat101 Posts: 0


    When are you going to allow unlimited lives to you players in the US?!? Was so excited to see this in the news but it doesn’t apply to US players yet, though many of us have been in lockdown for weeks (I live in Los Angeles!). Please look out for us too!

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,813

    Hi @nehat101 . Welcome to our Community 🙎‍♀️

    The unlimited lives are going to be available this weeks for players from Italy, Spain, and United Kingdom .

    We are hope other countries will be receiving the unlimited lives . for now there are no further news.

    Stay Safe

  • t4e
    t4e Posts: 163

    you'll get them when its over, Italy is past their worse times, don't hold your breath, KING lives on the Moon they don't get to see the current news lol

  • clod_sarzi
    clod_sarzi Posts: 10

    Level 2

    I’m from Italy but I didn’t get unlimited lives. My ID is 1052560975 , could you please resolve this problem?

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    Agree we all are unhappy with things that have been removed. but we need to vent in a sane manor. all these bitchy posts get nobody nowhere. I mentioned to superstar earlier re developers given us some good news or bringing a feature release date forward. Low and behold new fab 5 announced this evening and yes now its not great in scheme of things but progress.whether it was through my comment or not

  • JDNORAfan
    JDNORAfan Posts: 538

    @niceness Totally agree

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?