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Help with getting my game playing again!

Kelly_Farkas Posts: 2 Newbie
edited March 2020 in Support

My candy crush game shows no new levels and says, "You are one of the best payers!" New level coming soon. I have undated both my iPhone 7 and the Candy Crush game. I haven't been able to play in about a month. I've attached a screen shot of what my game looks like. Help!

Best Answer

  • Shawtyredd1
    Shawtyredd1 Posts: 20 Level 2
    Answer ✓

    Try updating and logging in on the community and then if u loggrd in through Facebook it should have your levels saved. But if you log in through the community king option, your games should show as well. What level are you on? I'm currently 6296 but mines did the same thing said new levels are coming soon and I'm one of the best players. But when I updated it, new levels opened up! I hope this help


  • Shawtyredd1
    Shawtyredd1 Posts: 20 Level 2
    Answer ✓

    Try updating and logging in on the community and then if u loggrd in through Facebook it should have your levels saved. But if you log in through the community king option, your games should show as well. What level are you on? I'm currently 6296 but mines did the same thing said new levels are coming soon and I'm one of the best players. But when I updated it, new levels opened up! I hope this help

  • Shawtyredd1
    Shawtyredd1 Posts: 20 Level 2

    @Kelly_Farkas let me know if I can help you further more with anything else! Try logging both ways when you open the game after updating either through Facebook and the king logo. Also come back here and try to login and hopefully new levels will upload after updating and signing in! I'm here if you need me, we're all friends here!

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 36,101 Candy Moderator

    Hello @Kelly_Farkas A Warm Welcome to our friendly King Community 🤗

    Thank you for the screenshot!

    Can you please tell me what level you are on? Are you not able to play any of your available levels?

    As per your screenshot, there are many levels for you to finish before reaching the barricade!! OR have you finished the levels but the game did not recognize your win? I am saying this because there are "no stars above to the levels"!! Hence, all those levels seems new -- means, yet to pass those levels!!

    Can you please clarify by posting your reply? You can simply type in the empty comment box given below.

    Talk to you soon! Have a great rest of the day/evening!

    Please stay Safe and Warm! 😷

  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,123 Community Manager

    Hi @Kelly_Farkas and welcome to our Communnity!

    Please try with reinstalling the app to reset it back to normal.

    Let me know how it goes...

  • Kelly_Farkas
    Kelly_Farkas Posts: 2 Newbie

    Thanks for all your support. I reinstalled the app on my phone and my game reappeared where I left off. I was scared to delete and reinstall for fear I would lose my level. I did that once before! 😥

    Thanks again everyone!

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