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Taking the candies away and offering very limited ways to get boosters.



  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477 Crushing Legend

    Never see the reason why some people think its ok to have a go at someone for there own personal comments/views. We should be free to post what we want (within reason) we all have our own views.

    So yes we have lost an awful lot of chances to get boosters with whats been removed and i personally found the update from 6740 - 6785 levels and absolute nightmare. really seemed like game was geared towards us having to spend money to complete games and game been turned on its head going from fun to being an absolute chore and un_enjoyable.

    However new update 6786 on wards, so far have completed around 20 levels and have so far found these to be challenging but enjoyable. Just hope this is what we will start getting regarding new levels. Did all with hardly any boosters and maybe some took 10/15 goes but not the 50+ tries the last update had

  • gregdowle
    gregdowle Posts: 14 Level 2

    Hi all bumper2019 you ask for my old handle to tell you the truth i had several. I try to stay with greg? but I can't be shore. I use to log in with Facebook. Here's a screen shot and a pic.

  • Bumper2019
    Bumper2019 Posts: 3,271 Level 5

    I think that you and I are on roughly the same page @Freddy_Falkner so please don't think I'm having a go at you when I say that whatever they do with new levels' difficulty from now on it is irrelevant to anyone who hasn't got near the top. They have fundamentally changed the way players can progress through the game by making every single level much more difficult.

  • santo_chris97
    santo_chris97 Posts: 1,494 Level 4

    What's he just said is really true. I want the old Build a Bot format back to this game and can finish it easily.

  • Bumper2019
    Bumper2019 Posts: 3,271 Level 5

    Personally, I'm not that bothered about finishing it, even less so now. I played mostly for enjoyment, and as an escape as should be the case with any game that proclaims itself as fun. The enjoyment has been stripped away and leisure players are being left with no option but to find something else that they can enjoy.

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477 Crushing Legend

    @Bumper2019 know we are on same page my comment was regarding S18 having a go at you when he is clueless what you are going on about he tried same with me stopped him dead and yes I agree fundamentally changed but still have hope and faith they get it right and you can still progress at a steady pace will be ok with that currently we all know bit of a joke at present but we all here complaining so we are all hoping for something

  • gregdowle
    gregdowle Posts: 14 Level 2

    Hi all still trying just played lost all my lives within minutes. Level 3954 on one game no booster no gold bars. They need to change this I am a good player even without boosters but it's a joke. Ever time I lost a life a pop up came asking me to spend 6.99 on a bundle. NOT trying to make more money what a laugh. Going to try the other game see what happens.

  • gregdowle
    gregdowle Posts: 14 Level 2

    Hi not really liking it. Just on level 6831 and having a problem just lost all my lives again and again and so on. It helps when I manage to get timed booster but I have spent enough money on this game so just keep trying. How about you.😣

  • Bumper2019
    Bumper2019 Posts: 3,271 Level 5

    I don't do new levels any more, just pick the game up on lower levels from time to time for a bit of relaxation or challenges that are possible without spending. I remembered that you were going to persevere and just wondered. Have you managed to progress much on the lower game?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?