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custom team for fantastic five

nitin_nl Posts: 22

Level 3

Is there anyway to change your team member or boot someone out that hasn’t participated?


  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @nitin_nl here is some info from a superstar, answers your question at present.

    Q: Will we be able to join multiple teams?

    A: It is not possible to be a member of two or more teams. Joining a new team would remove you from current team.

    Q: If someone is already in a team does that exclude them from being invited by anyone else?

    A: There is no person to person invitation. The invitation to the private team done by a special link that can be used by anyone. In this regards anyone can request to join the team or join open team if there is empty slot. Note: if you get accepted you will be removed from current team and join a new one immediately. You can manage you current active requests in the tab next to search.

    Q: If someone wants to leave a team to join a different one, will that player be automatically replaced by a stranger?

    A: If it is a initial team (not custom) then yes, this slot will be filled by the first person new to the feature. For private and open teams the answer is no. Custom teams does not get filled with random people and require players action to fill them.

    Q: Once a team is chosen, is that it for life, even if team members choose to stop playing?

    A: Player free to join different team or create own team at any time, leaving inactive team behind. This functionality is available from navigation card. Note you need to have internet connection to do so.

    Q: Can bad performers or people who reach the top level be ejected?

    A: Currently it is not possible to remove people from the team. There is only two ways to see person leaving your team: if person decide to join/create another team or be inactive for a long time (in this regards person get ejected from the team).

    Q: Can the custom team carry on earning points when one player has left, say to join another team?

    A: Points are tied to the Team mission that running when person is a part of the team. When person leaves, points remain (they will be hidden, but counted). To put it short - no rollback of progress if someone leave the team. They will not carry their progress to newly joined team.

    April 8

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