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Moved candy crush to Ipad and lost all my boosters!

Squirrelwife Posts: 136 Level 3

I did sign in to the Ipad with my "Squirrelwife" credentials, but there are no boosters left whatsoever.

I had to delete it from my Kindle as i had problems with the storage. So i moved it to the Ipad.

I have absolutely no boosters except one i got today.

What to do?

I didn't expect that. I am at level 5253 and it certainly is hard enough.

Please help and give me my boosters back ! :)


Best Answers

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477 Crushing Legend
    Answer ✓

    @Squirrelwife . Hi and welcome, unfortunately on mobile devices your boosters are stored on the device itself. So if you mobile device or game crashes, you uninstall or even change device your boosters are lost and are not recoverable. Unless you had any unused purchased boosters you could then contact customer support from your game and they should help you with these.

    Hope this helps

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 151,923 Diamond Diaries Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    Very sorry for your problem! 😔

    ⚠️ So please attention when you have trouble to lose all of your boosters! ⚠️

    1. The boosters also cannot be transferred / saved to any devices on any King's Games when you switch out new or change or upgrade device or reinstall game! 

    2. The boosters are saved directly in your device's memory, which always allows you to use them while playing offline. This also means that they are not saved on our servers especially if you didn't have the game saved. 

    It’s best not to store too many Boosters on your device, as there is a chance they may be lost, or affect the game play. 

    We do not replace items and help you to return your boosters back that have not been purchased but if you have however lost purchased items, please report this to our Player Support team here, so they can help. 😊

    By the way, these events/features are still helping you to earn boosters/gold bars on this game. 😊

    If you want to win gold bars on this game, you can click here to join and answer on this game's contests that you can chance to win gold bars. 😊

    🍭 Have a nice and safety day! Sugar Crush! 🍭

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 151,923 Diamond Diaries Moderator
    Answer ✓

    You are welcome! 😊

    And don't worry! These features/events are still helping you to earn more boosters/gold bars on this game! Good luck! 😊


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