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Fantastic Five

ems1910 Posts: 2 Newbie

I clicked the button for Join but any team I join, the other person doesn't join in.

How can I revert back to the automatic team sign up?


Best Answer

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477 Crushing Legend
    Answer ✓

    @ems1910 Hi and welcome, When you have gone to Custom fantastic 5 it is not possible to revert back to Random teams. You can only create or join another team. There are a couple of posts in discussions for people looking for teams or teams looking for players

    You can try turning the feature off for a few days to see if this forces you into Random teams but this is not guaranteed to work

    Other than this you could could try customer support but do not know if they can help you with this

    Thank you


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