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Move buttons? Why so sneaky?

B-2 Posts: 56

Level 3

Can you please change the button placement of play, replay, and play on ? They are all roughly in the same place or too near each other. Then they often get accidentally pressed. And since there is no confirm button, players like me are often losing gold bars... and alot of them! One false move and poof! 10 bars gone!!

I have only intentionally used the play on feature a few times, but accidentally? Too many times. This is a rip off to players and absolutely on developers part!

They way I see it, you have cost me plenty! And I should get my gold back, and/or you can change the dang buttons and give us a way to confirm choices!

Top photo shows all buttons in roughly the same spot. By habitual play, often accidentally hit play on.

Bottom shows buttons too close together. No explanation necessary to see the problem with that!!!!

Coincidental? I think NOT!

Stop the sneaky rip-offs!


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