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Feedback on levels 9726-9770!



  • John_58011
    John_58011 Posts: 212

    Banner for Sugar Stars not showing on my Windows tablet Microsoft Surface, but needs to be fixed if showing on other platforms. Hopefully someone has told the Studio by now.

    Level 9753 a winner for Candy skills. Watching the Color Bomb cannon and the teleports, just bring the Color Bomb into play to the top. Doing so, make a striped next to it via striped candy cannon. Then Color Bomb/Striped combo. Repeated several times cleared the level. Think before you move more skill to use in the first part of the level. To take greens and blues had to watch what was Candy Cane or Licorice Fence, and put your striped candy on the right row. That frees the cherries, eyes on conveyor and teleports to bring those through the teleports. Full marks whoever designed it be it @LindQ or whoever, no lottery and all strategy. The next level was fun, too.

  • Tzvi_Marcu
    Tzvi_Marcu Posts: 2,593

    @John_58011 I never had the Episode Race and don't have any way to win Gold Bars

  • Boybinary
    Boybinary Posts: 3,073

    in the words of my ccs friend @Spieler_8675309 "MEH" @Albert_Heinrich we all now know that you are a writer for work! good job!@Scooterpie good tip, that banner is annoying. the only level that took a few go's for me was9769 probably due to the lack of boosters!

  • Tzvi_Marcu
    Tzvi_Marcu Posts: 2,593

    @Albert_Heinrich Great description of the situation. I also find the placement of the Sugar Stars indicator annoying. It is placed right over the IGB panel, but we can be happy that is not on middle of the board

  • jeanps
    jeanps Posts: 25,430

    I’m having the same issue. It’s been happening for a few days. These levels are hard enough without flying blind as well!

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698

    @jeanps try resizing your game window to get the banner out of your way.

  • Michael-6
    Michael-6 Posts: 987

    Did the first two episodes earlier, first episode had the race which was good, and it was very easy. 25 gold bars, no boosters used, all good.

    Second episode was much harder, a few very tricky levels in there. You can spot them a mile off- if there is five layers of frosting, you know there will be pain coming. Even more so if there is more frosting behind locks, such as 9745. Very easy to run out of moves on 9747 too, have to hit the fish bobbles at every available opportunity.

  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,226

    I have finished the first 2 episodes, which were littered with boring Rainbow Rapids levels and Samantha made 1 lousy bit part appearance. Did anyone have trouble getting sugar stars in the 2nd episode ? I went 13 straight games until finally getting them on Levels 9754 and 9755 !!! Besides these minor annoyances, I enjoyed most of the levels.

    Also @LindQ the Sugar Star sign blocks my UFO and Hammer booster tabs if I get them during the game. Also I have found the new Hand Switch problematic when trying the switch candies, boosters, etc.

  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,226
    edited July 2021

    So far I found 9745 very hard, but had no problem with 9757. Lucky board perhaps ?

  • Tzvi_Marcu
    Tzvi_Marcu Posts: 2,593

    @Peter_Tornaros It is intentionally not to use the boosters

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