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🏖️ Candy Crush Saga Summer Fun Community Contest 🍹 ( FINISHED )



  • maryjane117
    maryjane117 Posts: 537
    edited July 2021

    My answers:

    *sun has extra or fewer rays (depending on what pic)

    *cloud is smaller

    *missing lotus flower in fountain

    *Tiffi hat missing flowers

    *green bush in left corner changed size

    *flower missing from table

    *bush in right corner missing flowers

    * bush above Tiffi head different

  • aijaziqbal
    aijaziqbal Posts: 8,884

    Hi @kiara_wael .

    Here is my answer.

    Missing flowers on Tiffi’s hat

    Missing part of the cloud

    Plant behind Tiffi

    Missing flower on the table

    Missing flower in pot

    Missing bush

    Missing flower in the pond

    Missing ray in the sun

  • Marzia333
    Marzia333 Posts: 1,755
    edited July 2021

    1) cloud's part is missing

    2) sun's ray is missing

    3) a rose in the vase above the table is missing

    4) a water lily in the pond is missing

    5) two branches the plant behind Tiffi are missing

    6) one rose in the bush on the right is missing

    7) one rose on Tiffi's hat is missing

    8) Bush's part on the left is missing

    Here is my answer

  • La Ley
    La Ley Posts: 2,691

    1. One of the clouds is smaller

    2. The sun has one less ray

    3. The plant behind Tiffi is smaller

    4. The flower on Tiffi's hat are missing

    5. The pond is missing a flower

    6. The bush in front of Tiffi is smaller

    7. The flower on the table is missing from the vase

    8. One less flower in the bush in the bottom right hand of the picture

  • Iffu2
    Iffu2 Posts: 1,022

    1.Missing flowers on Tiffi’s hat

    2.Missing part of the cloud

    3.Missing flower on the table

    4.Missing flower in pot

    5.Missing bush

    6.Missing flower in the pond

    7..Missing ray in the sun.. 💝.

    8.Plant behind Tiffi

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,506

    @kiara_wael my Answer:

    1 a part of the left cloud is missing

    2 plant behind Tiffi missing

    3 Water lily missing in the pond

    4 rose missing in the vase

    5 Heart missing in the lower right flower pot

    6 Tiffi's hat lacks the flower

    7 A piece of bush at the bottom left is missing

    8 A ray of sunshine is missing from the sun (left of center)

  • Moh1977
    Moh1977 Posts: 8,252
    edited July 2021

    My answer is

    1- Part of one cloud is missing on the left.

     2 - A flower missing in the pond.

     3- The implant above Tiffi head is missing.

     4 - Missing flower from Tevis' hat.

     5- Flowers missing in the pot above the table.

     6- Part of the sunlight is missing.

     7- A missing part of the trees on the left.

     8- A flower is missing in the flower pot on the right of the picture.

  • Werner_Cichy
    Werner_Cichy Posts: 30,242

    left cloud has end missing

    plant above tiffis head

    flower missing in pond

    flower missing from vase

    heart missing. Flower in bottom right flower pot

    flower missing from tiffis hat

    end missing of lower left bush

    point missing from sun




  • Kezabelle3
    Kezabelle3 Posts: 2,364

    Hi 👋

    missing 8 things are...

    1 - Flower on Tiffi's hat is missing

    2 - Lily flower in pond is missing

    3 - Bush in left corner is smaller

    4 - Red rose is missing from left corner rose bush

    5 - Sun is missing a ray

    6 -Cloud is smaller

    7 - Flower on table is missing

    8 - Plant behind Tiffi is missing a couple of leaves

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