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Feedback on levels 9981 - 10 025



  • I don't know what to say now.....!

  • Colin_Kwong
    Colin_Kwong Posts: 32

    Level 3

    Level 9999 must be fixed, I don't want to spend more than one UFO.

  • candyfancy
    candyfancy Posts: 56

    Level 3

    Even my current situation is same no boosters left no gbs left and emptied my collected boosters to stuck at 9993

    No episode race No daily booster No booster wheel No chocolate box only F5 team exist for me , so even i cant progress until these levels are fixed

  • Remano88
    Remano88 Posts: 40

    Level 3

    I'm sorry for moaning/complaining but I need to get this frustration out for who ever decided to send out these new levels this week. Level 9991 is yet another impossible level after that dismal 9990. Why is there a 2K in it😨? Makes absolutely no sense for a "remake" in a completely wrong place. This is really annoying for not reaching level 10,000 anytime soon until a miracle has to happen. I'm a very disappointed crusher getting this far in the game. Yes give us all a challenge but really this is not a challenge, its utter frustration!!! I've seen many other levels are also impossible without using boosters before reaching the big milestone that is coming... huh why do that? Seems like a punishment πŸ€•. Not everyone can afford many boosters to clear it all and yes I know it's not the intension. It's just not nice at all! 😑 I'm very excited for level 10,000 but this just makes me VERY disappointed.

  • Michael-6
    Michael-6 Posts: 987

    Hear hear @Remano88. 9991 i think is harder than 9990 as the possibility of cascades isn't there.

    Unfortunately the level designers seem content with this situation; in their view these levels are mere challenges, as opposed to ill though out money-grabbing remakes.

    I have run out of boosters, and King have removed the episode race and the daily calendar from my game, and have not provided the treat machine or chocolate box. Therefore, for me I am content that should the levels not get fixed, this is the end of the game, and i won't be partaking in the new pay to pass version.

  • Remano88
    Remano88 Posts: 40

    Level 3

    I got myself a big gold trophy for them I reach level 10,000 as not many will know we achieve such milestones in a game other than a forum like this one. Now it will have to wait until when I do get there in the end. I thought this will be the weekend it will happen just before my 33rd birthday. Guess not. πŸ†οΈ What I want to know is where is all the celebration for 10,000? I know more stuff is coming next week but why make Windows players suffer until then when it is already out. Weird choices I guess.

  • js_sj
    js_sj Posts: 23

    Level 3

    I'm finding these levels the most miserable stretch in all the years I've been playing. Even levels that are not nated as difficult would on most other releases be labeled that way. Definitely not a fun run. I see it as just tempting people to throw in cash to get to 10K.

  • John_58011
    John_58011 Posts: 212

    Browsing this thread, it seems like the tactics on releasing 9990-9999 as they are will rebound on King, harder than a Color Bomb x 2 Combo. Fixing just 9990 is not enough. Bravo !

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,558

    I must admit browsing this thread makes it sound like levels 9990-9999 have been released in a condition that most mobile players of Candy Crush will be used to. That is, it sounds like the 10-20 extra moves that normally get removed for the mobile players have been removed already. At least I hope that is the case, otherwise mobile users are in for a proper nightmare based on the contents of this thread.

  • Marina_Zakon
    Marina_Zakon Posts: 72

    Level 3

    @LindQ @Crazy Cat Lad I was wondering if one can pass 9991 without selling their kidney or taking the second mortgage on their home 😫

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?