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🏆️💎 Master Trophy Challenge - New brilliant badges to claim! (finished)



  • lelensp
    lelensp Posts: 52,950

    @Crazy Cat Lad and @aijaziqbal

    I dont understand why the Kings took it off when we are in the middle of the quest for badges. You have given us till December to complete. They should have waited for that date to cut it off, then its understandable. Now players are confused of whats going on. They cannot blame us to whine about this.

  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    edited September 2021

    The Master Trophy feature has unfortunately put on hold. Since we don't know when it will be back, we will finish this contest for now and resume it when the feature is back.

    You can find more details about the Master Trophy not being available anymore here:

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 7

    Level 2


  • What I had until now 😔

  • I couldn't even do an update to my screenshot, because I barely made any progress

  • WendyG78
    WendyG78 Posts: 244

    @Crazy Cat Lad I didnt realize the trophies were put on hold..I knew it dissapeared on the 26th from my game,but so did the test your strength thing (really miss that).. hope they come back soon..are the last screenshots I took still able to count? I was looking forward to the badge. 💞

    Well,I'll post it now if it counts or not..this is what I had..

    As usual I opened game, checked stuff out, took pics, played few levels, checked stuff out- and its gone...

    At least I know I got that and dont have to worry about losing the pic on my phone..💞😊

  • jmal
    jmal Posts: 24

    Level 3

    I do not know,


  • SafiaJilani23
    SafiaJilani23 Posts: 19

    Level 2

    edited November 2021

    My Master Trophy cannot show few days or time in my game. How to retrieve My Master Trophy in my game again. Please tell me or help me if anyone know or help this tophics. Thank u.🤗🤔🤗🤔

  • lelensp
    lelensp Posts: 52,950

    As for now they have put off the master trophy challenge. They said they will put it back with better feature.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,735

    Hello there! Candy Crushers! 👋

    I close this badge thread as this badge thread is finished while this feature (Master Trophy) is still not here yet. Check this information here.

    If you want to win free gold bars (boosters/unlimited lives) / (badges on your view profile) on this game, let's participate here! 😉

    ⚠️ Note ⚠️

    "Announcement" (you can see pink colour board of announcement while green box), it means contest is still active while you can joined and answered that you can still chance to win free gold bars (boosters/unlimited lives) / (badges on your view profile). And "Finished", it means contest is ended or finished that contest has no longer to be announced while you cannot win gold bars (boosters/unlimited lives) / (badges on your view profile) as it's too late!

    I hope you can understand to read it and participate on contests. Good luck and have a nice day! 🤞😊

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