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🍬 Candy Day: Win your very own candyfied portrait!



  • @Crazy Cat Lad

    Let me tell you a story......

    The year was 2007 I was in the U.S. military for over 17 years and I was thriving at work and in life. I was currently deployed to another country working with people from all over the world trying to help people live a better life. While doing so life for me did not turn out as well as I would of hoped. When I returned to the U.S. in 2009 I was diagnosed with severe P.T.S.D. and everything that was I thriving in was suddenly falling apart. I was hospitalized with other people with the same condition and given so many different kinds of medications but nothing worked. In 2010 I retired from the U.S. military so I could start fixing the things in me that was so obviously broken. I was told by many professionals that I need to find something that would take my mind somewhere else so I could start to heal. They recommended some mind games and that didn't work because it was not something that I enjoyed. Then just by chance I saw someone playing this game and I asked them if they enjoyed it. He said Candy Crush Saga was his favorite and asked me if I wanted to give it a try. So I started to play it and before I realized I was playing this game for over an hour. I had no flash backs or anything I just got caught up in winning each level I was playing. I don't know if anyone knows what it like to be have PTSD but it was the first time I had hope that I could get better.

    So why do I love Candy Crush Saga? That's because it was there for me at a time when I needed it the most. By no means was it a cure cause to this day I'm still working on myself to get better. But the hope candy crush saga gave me at a time when I thought there was none will be something I will never forget. Do not underestimate hope. At a time when my life felt so dark and so lonely, hope is where it all began. I will always be so grateful for that moment in my life, it changed it forever.

  • Nolefan927
    Nolefan927 Posts: 9

    Level 2

    I suffer from Major Depressive Disorder and Anxiety. Candy Crush is my therapy!!!!! I have too many medical issues to list but I can honestly say that Candy Crush helps me get through the day. It takes my mind off of all the gazillion things that run through my mind and it makes me feel human while I’m Crushing Candy! Thanks for creating a fun, challenging and therapeutic game that you don’t want to stop playing!

  • harleigh67
    harleigh67 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Some days I am stuck waiting for them to call my name at the and other days I am stuck laying in bed staring at the same four walls & ceiling. I had an old flip phone that I called my one friend that I have left who comes over to help me a couple times a week. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis yrs ago and it controls the flow my life has taken. Then my phone broke so my friend got me a fancy new phone and I found Candy Crush games.OMG these are a BLAST, I don't even notice the walls or ceiling anymore,or how long the wait is!!! I love the picture of you and your cats. My service dog &Best Friend of 12yrs do died and her Playmate & Best Friend has just joined her I would 💕 to have one of those Avatar pictures of Our Family together because I don't have a picture of us together!! But either way Thank you for the game.I really enjoy it.

  • Thank you for all feedback and all love!

    We will pass this on to the Candy Crush Studio and also go through all comments carefully before we pick the player that gets their own Candy Crush avatar! So stay tuned...

  • EOTheGr8
    EOTheGr8 Posts: 3,679

    @Crazy Cat Lad Very exciting! I wonder who will win?

  • MRsniper
    MRsniper Posts: 8

    Level 2

    I registered today in the forum. Also, I did not know that there was such a wonderful competition and challenge..

    Next time I will participate

    I am addicted to this game lol😅😅

    Thank you to the game team and all the contributors and subscribers😗

  • We have decided and are happy to announce that the player who wins a Candyfied avatar of themselves is:



    I will PM you shortly with more details and instructions to get an own Candy Crush character!

  • MiladyR
    MiladyR Posts: 10,740
  • wbw
    wbw Posts: 248

    Good luck with your meeting is done

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,723

    Congratulations! @MiladyR 🎉😄

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