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Feedback on levels 10 566 - 10 610!



  • Vallyvally79
    Vallyvally79 Posts: 52

    Level 3

    It's getting boring. I get stuck in every level for a lot,so I can't win boosters and compete in race and don't have boosters to use because I don't have extra event in which I can get them... So boring...

  • Spieler_8675309
    Spieler_8675309 Posts: 4,308
    edited November 2021


    Feedback on levels 10566-10610

    Did 'em (few days ago or whenever)...

    Well, the twentieth week of doing one episode per 24:00 coincides with the ninth week of the episode/fast race being nowhere to be found (surprise, surprise).

    It's history repeating itself there, like beating a dead horse about repeatedly writing that; but the info should still be written.

    You all can be spared of any images about that part in italicised bold, stuff like that can probably be found on the dark web or something; maybe get there from here.

    But there have been a few threads sprouting up recently about those episode/fast races (or lack thereof), so a few folks (@李开登_4717/@0972193519/@Alby_/@Brewlord/@girishmatta/@José_Savelkoul/@Mikhailch/@SusanGaGu/@yoph_1234) can be introduced into the screwed out of GBs club.

    Don't be alarmed about the marking/notification/tag, folks; you're in the neighbourhood of these levels, so you already know what to expect here (unless you've decided that enough is enough & put down this silly game, at least for a bit):

    Levels will be buffed (blockers added/moves reduced/etc.) to the point of probably making it necessary to play (at least) some of 'em a # of times to get that +35 moves option at the end; but since that GB race has gone on holiday (& if you don't have any GBs to spare), you'd better hope to at least have access to the DCB (& play it wisely)...

  • After being allowed past 10602, the remainder of the levels in episode 3 are the best of the week- some actual fun levels in there.


    No episode race for me either- i guess not enough people are getting past the weekly house of horrors to collect enough player data these days.

  • Lindark
    Lindark Posts: 5,713

    Do you go back to play the levels after the so-called destruction? So much trash talk here, unless it's actually true?

  • Spieler_8675309
    Spieler_8675309 Posts: 4,308
    edited November 2021


    Oh, looky here; a non-believer (apparently)!

    If you don't take their (majority of all the other folks on here) words for it, & instead of attempting that yourself (since you don't have many boosters to burn, not even timed ones); you're more than welcome to go back & read any of these kinds of topics 2 weeks after completing those levels.

    Those comments (trash talk, as you put it) aren't writing themselves, & all of those folks can't be making up stuff...

  • A rare occasion in the Kingdom Forest, for those at the top of the food chain. If you are at the top of the food chain, and you wait long enough, you may get lucky to witness the event. An occurrence so rare, that some creatures at the top waste no time to show off their reward. The Spawning of GB's for the ER.

    Do your best David Attenborough impression.

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,565

    LOL @Albert_Heinrich the same here:


  • Marina_Zakon
    Marina_Zakon Posts: 72

    Level 3

    @LindQ how's level 10605 considered an easy level? It's a complete and utter garbage, there should be at least 5 moves added to it. 🤮

  • beccasdad
    beccasdad Posts: 55

    Level 3

    edited November 2021

    I'm stuck on 10576. But, based on what I am reading, I'm starting to lose interest. King has managed to take a fun, enjoyable, and yes, relaxing game and ruin it. It will eventually hurt them, but they don't care right now. There is a difference between challenging and impossible - unless you want to pay and pay, which is obviously their goal.

    The most frustrating thing is seeing the easier version of almost every board on YouTube, which I can never play. Ridiculous.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?