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Feedback on levels 10 701 - 10 745!



  • As said before Order Locks are even worse than the Sour Skulls. They come to light in the final episode in more than two levels, maybe 3 or 4 levels. But they are a load of rubbish. 737, 740, 742 at least, maybe more.

    Just what do the level designers think they are doing ??

  • Nope. The best i have got is about 25 frostings remaining. Don't think i have ever laid a finger on the two rows on the right hand side of the board either.

    A level designed by an imbecile.

  • LindQ
    LindQ Posts: 562

    We are aware levels have been really difficult this week, we have been trying some new things out with how we best can gather data from our windows players, but some levels this week have been.. quite ridiculously hard. Good on you all troopers because a lot of you have still gotten all the way through the release. Tomorrow's levels will not follow the same style. (And next week on the 8th Windows players will get an early taste of Christmas!)

    I have been enjoying some vacation days lately, and might have missed a lot of questions etc. Feel free to send them again if you'd like.

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698

    @LindQ thank you for the update. New things be hard sometimes. I know that you all see all, hear all but cannot tell us all! Hope that you enjoyed your time off. Now it's back to work, Oh Yeah! Help! Help is needed here!

    ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

  • Welcome back @LindQ! Perhaps you could help with the following:

    • The levels in these episodes as shown by @Johnny_Crush a week ahead of the release were markedly different that what was provided at the time of release. I don't recall this happening before. Was this weeks release therefore a deliberate attempt to force players into using up copious boosters and gold bars and spend a lot of money to pass?
    • As you say, a lot of these levels are ridiculously hard (note- almost all of them are). How come this isn't reflected in the game yet- almost every single level should have a nightmarishly hard rating applied to it, and even that isn't sufficient to convey how bad these levels are to be frank.
    • Will these levels be fixed so that they can be passed? And if so, what happens to players who used up copious amounts of boosters and gold bard to get through them?
    • Why are the opportunities to wind boosters being continually reduced in the game? So many of these stupid levels need party boosters and UFOs and yet, funny enough, these have been removed from the prizes available in the treat machine. Funny that, eh! A mere coincidence i'm sure.
    • Please take a look at the threads on this forum- some many of them are now people stating that the game is for too hard. How much more feedback needs to be gathered before some acknowledgement is made of the fact in the game?
    • Why should players have any trust at all going forward in that what is released is in any war fair, passable, not at risk of significant changes, and not going to cost a bomb to play?
  • NancyDrew
    NancyDrew Posts: 88

    Level 3


    Thank you for your information. But since CC realizes the experimental changes have been extremely difficult, are they going to tweak any levels of last week's release? I can't remember a time I haven't finished even the first 15 in a week. And three times I have used the 35 extra moves because I played the level so many times. It seems to me that if the developers realize their mistake, then fix it! Don't punish your loyal players because of a new "try" that didn't work!

  • Lindark
    Lindark Posts: 5,713

    I sure hope these levels are adjusted too. I got to 10743 after about 200 gold bars and many, many boosters. It’s by far the most money I’ve ever spent on Candy Crush, and quite frankly I can’t afford to do that.

    Of more concern is that I reached 10743 and this level seems impossible regardless of boosters or gold bars.

    oh my…

  • @LindQ I've already seen next week's levels on Johnny Crush's channel, they look nothing better. Please fix them.

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,565

    Done this week. I don't know if I'm in the mood for new levels.

  • Lindark
    Lindark Posts: 5,713
    edited December 2021

    I'd just like to point out that most of the threads in the Discussion section are complaints about the difficulty of recent levels, it's all you see on the front page. And this thread is nothing but spam about that also. I think this is a disservice to your player base :( I don't see how 10743 is clearable at all, but that can also be said for the 40 levels I played prior where I spent money and registered for Royalty, etc. Just to clear levels.

    I'll have to quit playing due to not being able to afford the expensive cost of purchasing gold bars and boosters to clear levels, etc. I spent about $50 this week ($200+ per month)... Totally unaffordable for most people. Young person here trying to get by in the world and find his place. Can't afford to drop that much money every week to clear levels.

    If the Team decides to address this, great! If not, adios to all of the awesome people I've met along the way!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?