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Feedback on levels 10 701 - 10 745!



  • mra1
    mra1 Posts: 2

    Level 1


    Level 10735 is impossible - The video's of people passing this level are without the red candies -- Once red candies were added this level is impossible to pass

  • gommasbell
    gommasbell Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Why does you make the moves for all levels has been reduced to 20?

    It’s a terrible and horrible levels for myself

  • js_sj
    js_sj Posts: 23

    Level 3

    With the dreadful levels over the last few weeks and no action by King to make the levels passable, all that makes sense is that Activision is struggling to make their quarter which ends December 31. Guessing they have directed the King coders to ramp up difficulty and try to drive up revenue for this last month. We'll see if the first week of January brings a major revamp of the levels to make them passable - until then don't hold your breath.

  • I've been stuck on game 10756 for a few days and I think I'll stop with candy crush now It's been nice but that fun is gone

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,201
    edited January 2022

    Level 10735: This is another level impossible to pass without many boosters. Been on it for days used extra moves + last flying saucer still can't pass. Have 29 moves to clear 144 jellies and 144 yellow candies. After using extra moves+ flying saucer I'm still left with 30 jellies and 35 yellow candies. The board doesn't produce enough yellow candies it's an awful level. Had a tab flash up saying 100% of players need help with this and recommended I buy boosters. Hey King if you know 100% of players need help perhaps you should re-look at the level and make it more possible to pass.If you're not going to do that change it from hard to nighmarishly hard or impossible level.

    I have wasted so much time and so many boosters on this and still nowhere near, it's soul destroying. Where's the fun gone out of this game. King you really need to sort out what you are doing to keep players interested.

    7 hours after posting this I got 5 extra moves, then used 16 gold bars for another 5 moves and used a flying saucer I had just got from 'Fantastic Five' also used a hand swap and 2 hammers. Passed but now out of boosters. Passed the next few but now on another ridiculous level 10738. It really is getting tedious and possibly time to uninstall.

  • Abdul15
    Abdul15 Posts: 155

    Level 10852 is another impossible level. All the recent levels are all impossible. They need to be looked at. They have all been changed since coming out from original YouTube videos and all have less moves to complete. Why do Kings make impossible levels?

  • aschley
    aschley Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Has anyone had issues with using a booster and it gets count as a move? This is especially frustrating when you’re using them when you just have a couple moves left.

  • Fences
    Fences Posts: 1,122

    @LindQ Just take some levels from soda and changevthe blockers, would be much easier for the player to deal with.

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,201

    Hi @Abdul15 I am now stuck on level 10852. As you say another impossible level. Hopefully you've now passed but I bet you had to use boosters. I'll have to wait until I have managed to get a few free boosters before I try this again. King really need to stop messing about with the levels once they've been released its all become a struggle rather than fun.

  • Roma_Safovich
    Roma_Safovich Posts: 83

    Level 3

    Hi i am on stage 10721 it is absurd how the levwl is so hard even if it is classified as easy ... You give 20 steps for every stage and this one ia not possible to pass without using gold bars .. i only assume you want us spend real money to pass the stages... Please fix it.. stop giving every stage 20 movements and wishing peeople to waste money .. thanks ahead

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