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Gold Bars lost!!

Natkaranjia12 Posts: 3 Newbie

Hey I had to do a reset on my phone due to some issues and I lost all my gold Bars as well. I had over 200

Best Answer

  • me6412
    me6412 Posts: 9,536 Pro Player 👑
    Answer ✓

    Hello my friend,

    You can report your lost gold bar's to Player Support you can find them to the right hand side of the screen under "Quick Links " scroll down until you see " Support " click on this feature " Support " when the screen comes up follow the instructions and enter your issues and problems along with your email address and Game ID....your Game ID can be found in your game under your Avatar, double tap on your Avatar and you will see your Game ID....after you explain your issues and enter your email address and Game ID send your message and someone from Support will contact you through your email address as this is how they will contact you only though your email address....Hope this helps you out my friend 😉💯


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