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💌 Lives inbox - How does it work? New Update!



  • GDOM
    GDOM Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Me uno a la comunidad que expresa el profundo malestar que Candy Crush ha propiciado al LIMITAR las vidas a 20 por día. Señores CC están acabando con la filosofía del juego, con el sentido lógico de hacer uso de este sitio para BENEFICIO de ustedes pues el uso del espectro de la Internet y por el cual ustedes reciben beneficio se le irá reduciendo, quizás no lo vean ahora pero están creando un alud que ocasionará una avalancha de la cual ustedes serán los primeros perjudicados. Déjenos jugar y ganen lobque tengan que ganar pero NO NOS FASTIDIEN el rato...DE NO HABER UN CAMBIO EN ESTE TEMA, CUENTEN CON MI DIMISIÓN A ESTE SITIO

  • copas
    copas Posts: 255

    STOP 🛑 this message!

  • demon803
    demon803 Posts: 28

    Level 3

    Agree with everyone, limited lives is silly, and how am I gong to go through the 999 lives I have. I have always liked being able to play for as loong as I wanted even when losing. How many games can you say that for, well CC you screwed that up also.

  • ht2112
    ht2112 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    I stopped playing altogether..1st time ever..they don't bring the unlimited lives back I'm done for over level 8200...hear that moderators?? A loyal daily player for YEARS quit over this 20 lives only rule..way to go

  • Monica10M
    Monica10M Posts: 28

    Level 3

    edited September 2022

    It took nearly 2 wks to earn the daily win streak award. With only 2 lives left, 200 I robbed of daily by Candy Crush Saga, Im just lose this award. I’m officially done playing, there’s zero point to these awards since I will only get about 5 minutes of the 1 hr award.

  • It isn’t fair that Candy Crush can change the game on us after all this time, and our fun “unlimited lives” from friends are now limited to force us to pay more! We work hard to send and receive those lives and are being punished for it by not being allowed to use as many. My iPhone shuts down Candy Crush often and I lose lives. I am also diamond playing difficult levels. I really enjoyed playing to relax, but now I am constantly worried about how many lives I have left. I may find another game after 20 years!

  • It isn’t fair that Candy Crush can change the game on us after all this time, and our fun “unlimited lives” from friends are now limited to force us to pay more! We work hard to send and receive those lives and are being punished for it by not being allowed to use as many. My iPhone shuts down Candy Crush often and I lose lives. I am also diamond playing difficult levels. I really enjoyed playing to relax, but now I am constantly worried about how many lives I have left. I may find another game after 20 years!

  • J12VNG
    J12VNG Posts: 37

    Level 3

    I am quitting the game. I’ve spent a fortune on hoodies, lives and all sorts over the years and now we are rewarded by being blocked from playing. They will not get anymore money from me. Leaving a going to find a game that appreciates my custom. Shame on you candy crush!!! Not happy at all

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