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Booster inventory gone

andyrite Posts: 7

Level 2

I installed candy crush on my new iPad, and while I was able to connect to Facebook so I would retain the level I was on, all of my booster inventory is gone! I can’t believe I have to start all over collecting boosters! Please help!!


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,869

    Hi and welcome to the King Community

    Boosters are saved directly in your device's memory, which always allows you to use them while playing offline. This also means that if you delete and reinstall the game, then Boosters can be lost and just saved Levels.

    Please check links bellow about lose booster!

  • Doondie
    Doondie Posts: 1,255

    Hey, Mr Newbie,

    Congrats on getting a new iPad! 😁

    Where were you playing the game before continuing on your new gadget? If you were using another iOS device and you still have the game on it (with all of your boosters), you could make a back-up of the game using iTunes or iCloud, then restore it onto your new device, thus keeping your boosters.

    If this is not the case - either it wasn't an iOS device, or the game is no longer on it, then I'm afraid there's nothing you can do. Unless you bought some of your boosters with real money, they cannot be restored.

    If you need help with the game or feel like chatting about it, you can drop me a line on Discord (Sun#0314) or Reddit (u/Sunnysboy).

    Have fun! 🙃

  • andyrite
    andyrite Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Thank you. Yes the game is still on my older ipad and all the boosters are there. I’m not sure how to backup that game. I have icloud. Can you help,me figure out how to backup the game?

  • Doondie
    Doondie Posts: 1,255

    I'm not an iOS user but sure. Here's what I got off an Apple forum:

    Go to Settings > Name > iCloud > see if the game is listed under Apps Using iCloud.

    If not, go to Settings > Name > iCloud > Manage Storage > Backups > device you’re on > see if the game is listed under Choose Data To Back Up and turn on.

    Once you've backed up the game, restore it onto your new device. How to restore? Here's what I found elsewhere. First remove the game from your new device though.

    1. Launch the App Store, tap your profile picture, and tap Purchased from the profile settings.
    2. Tap Not on This iPhone or Not on This iPad. These options narrow the apps down to those you no longer have installed on the device.
    3. Locate the app and tap the cloud button to restore it to the iPhone or iPad.

    Let me know whether you're successful. I'd appreciate a reaction and "mark as answer" to my previous comment.

    Good luck! 👍

  • andyrite
    andyrite Posts: 7

    Level 2

    It didn’t work because there was nothing to say to restore it from the backup on my other iPad? It just simply loaded the game. I must be missing some steps about using the backup from my other iPad.

  • andyrite
    andyrite Posts: 7

    Level 2

    It is on my old ipad and it’s backed up there. What I don’t understand is how I use the backup on my old ipad to restore the game on my new ipad. When I loaded the game on my new ipad I did choose it from the game icon that had the cloud icon on it in the AppStore I don’t know what else I could have done. ??

  • Doondie
    Doondie Posts: 1,255

    I'm sorry I can't be of more help but I've never really used an iOS device. Perhaps you should google it or ask a techier friend to help you out. I'm only sharing with you what other people have reported. Here's a recent report of it working the way I told you it should:

    I actually messaged this person for you. Here's what they said:

    Good luck! 🤞

  • bubbanbrenda
    bubbanbrenda Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I was asked to post here, I upgraded from an iPad Air 1 to an iPad gen 9. On the iPad Air 1 I made sure it was signed into my King account and then I backed it up t iCloud. Then I set the new iPad up with the iPad backup fro iCloud. It literally moved everything to the new one including the old iPad Air 1 wallpaper. Make sure that the Candy Crush app is signed into and is included in the iCloud backup. What ever apps that you have installed on the old iPad including Candy Crush that are signed into and all data will be transferred. If you still have your old iPad and your boosters are still on that one, make sure you’re signed in and you have iCloud backup turned on and scroll down through the apps that you want moved to the new one. Then back it up. Then wipe the new iPad and set it up from the iPad backup stored in your iCloud.

  • bubbanbrenda
    bubbanbrenda Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I made sure I was signed into the game/Kingdom on my old iPad, then I went to my iCloud settings on the old iPad and turned on iCloud backup, then scrolled down through the apps that I wanted backed up then I tapped backup now, waited until it was completely done backing up. It will display the last backup date and time. Once that was done I set up the new iPad from the last iPad backup and it was all there. Since you have already activated your new one you need to erase the new one and re install the new backup on the old iPad. To do that you have to go to settings>iCloud and turn off find my and sign out of iCloud and then go to settings>General>reset or transfer iPad and completely erase everything like you we’re selling it and then start over and then set it up from iCloud backup from the old iPad. I hope this helps.

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