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Why can't Opt Out of Candy Royale!



  • Jena28
    Jena28 Posts: 45

    Level 3

    @tbajc, I agree completely! It's a bunch of generic responses that they throw out when the mood strikes!!! It means absolutely NOTHING to me because they aren't looking into it one bit! I feel it's not a hard problem to fix, they just don't want to for whatever reason. They see all these complaints, yet don't care enough to help out!! If it weren't for us players, this game would crumble! There are players, (not me) spending money on the game all the time or when they get stuck on a level. I've been playing since December, 2019, level is little over 2600 and I've only spent money (not a lot) ONE time, that's it. Told myself I'll never spend another dime ever and I haven't, yet I still can get far in the game, with patience of course! Please just show your players some RESPECT and listen to our complaints/concerns, PLEASE!!

  • Ruthie_33
    Ruthie_33 Posts: 28

    Level 3

    I also would like to opt out of Candy Royale.

  • Ruthie_33
    Ruthie_33 Posts: 28

    Level 3

    I end up getting thrown out of Candy Royale.

  • CatJ
    CatJ Posts: 105

    LMAO because maybe they opted out of me for avoiding playing Candy Royale for weeks now. I just refresh every time it pops up until it disappears. It's time consuming, but it must tick King off, because just now I found I'm unable to enter Candy Crush at all and it's been removed from any links I had saved. So...GREAT way to solve the Royale issue, guys! 🤣🤣🤣

  • MzTrina916
    MzTrina916 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    This should be a CHOICE for each individual to make! If one wants to earn gold bars, then they will choose to play Candy Royale! I and MANY others clearly don't care to earn gold bars playing that! Please for the love of God, bring back the X option! It's getting VERY annoying having to play this! I've put THOUSANDS of dollars into this game and I am now ready to drop it if the X button doesn't reappear on Candy Royale! Thank you!

  • WhopperCrusher
    WhopperCrusher Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Leaving a comment here since everyone is complaining about candy royale and I don’t want the devs to get confused and think everyone hates it.

    CR is a great way to get gold bars. If forcing people to play is the only way you can make the mode work. DO Not allow and opt out.

    This whole thread is evidence people will complain about anything. I haven’t spent money on this game in years claiming you can’t win CR without spending money is 🧢

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403

    Not really. Money aside, I like to just get on and play the game. If I am stuck on a level and that comes up, I have to wait while it loads, lose the level and wait while it kicks me out again.

    I did choose to play it, at times when I hadn't used all my lives, or was on my last life or stuck on a level.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403
    edited July 2023

    I am commenting as a player reading the thread and who plays candy and not a mod as this isn't my area. But you are being offensive. Using Caps lock is harder to read. It is also the text equivilent of being shouted at. So you are shouting at the community. Its not polite and is considered bad mannered and rude to use that when talking to people.

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,928

    CR is obviously a sore subject for a lot of players (BTW only a portion of players have it - quite a few don’t). When a GM says it has been reported to the studio - it is not a canned answer, it is a statement of fact. If/when the CMs and/or GMs get any feedback from the studio, it will be passed along to the players ASAP.

    There have been various features that have created a lot of discussion here in the community (anyone remember sugar drops?) over the years. The players’ inputs/ideas/concerns are passed back to the studios. However, the studios have many things/projects ongoing so even if it seems something may be an easy fix, that isn’t always the case and not always the top priority.

    Bottom line, please know that your feedback is being seen by the studio and we as GMs (who are just volunteers) try to help as best we can.

    This community is a place for players to discuss various aspects of the game including things you don’t like, but please abide by the house rules and be courteous to other players and polite in your replies.

    Thank you.

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