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Looks like everyone has a profile now.


  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 14,923 Legend

    Fingers crossed it stays that way @BklynCwgrl2022, or better still the test ends and we can go back to sending lives without having to open and close our games.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,951 Legend

    Yes, I hope so. At long last I could unfriend the one player who gave up playing long ago and friends can send me lives again. I can live with the new profiles, in fact I quite like them as they give you an indication of how active players are. I never used to send more than one life at a time (didn't ever know it was possible) so I do not miss it. I'm happy for this feature to remain as it is now. 🤞

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