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No gold bars came over-level 9074

junky Posts: 45

Level 3

edited December 2023 in Support

Hello King, while playing a new level 9074 a message came over saying I am a winner in and will partake in my claim with millions of others of 15 gold bars, but when I hit the claim button none came over. I already have now 17 but should be saying 32.



  • Hi my friend welcome

    What was the event you joined as you would of had to complete an event in order to receive a pop up confirming your win 💓

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,819

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    I'm sorry to hear about this ,Unfortunately we're not able to handle missing rewards through the community but please follow these steps HERE on how to get intouch with our Player Support Team that handles these issues.

  • junky
    junky Posts: 45

    Level 3

    I do not remember about the event. But it keeps coming up since I play a lot and winning at times I will be automatically entered to share a split of among all the other winners as well. Close to over a million gold bars. So my cut with every one else since it is a bunch of winners qualifying came up to 15 gold bars.


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    edited December 2023

    Hello Junkys @junky🤗 Hearty Welcome to our sweet King Community!

    The pop-up you have received about "share of Gold Bars with millions of others" would be from "Pot of Gold" event! Did the pop-up looked like this?

    You will have to send a complaint to King Player Support team by following below steps...

    1) If you are playing on computer Facebook browser, please use this link to send you complaint by filling the form -->

    2) If you are on a mobile device or the App version on Windows10/11, follow these steps --> click on the Pink Cogwheel on game map screen -- click on icon -- scroll down to Events -- See if you can find "Pot of Gold" event, if so, click on that -- scroll down all the way and click on "Contact Us" -- fill up the form and submit your complaint.

    NOTE: If you did not find "Pot of Gold", click on any other suitable option and follow rest of the steps.

    Please let me know if you need further assistance🍫🍫

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