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plz help level 2592 very hard idont have option or help


  • LoFiGummy
    LoFiGummy Posts: 2,391

    Hi there @Niveen273_kamal!

    Perhaps this video can help you progress through the level?

  • I tried this level just now and it's legendary. On three out of six tries it let me get close enough so I would have passed using a single booster near the end. @Niveen273_kamal as you progress through the game these legendary levels take more and more attempts until the game lets you pass if you play without boosters. The game will give us a lucky board dropping the right candies every few tries, and in this level on two of my six tries I got some colour bombs dropping from the top. If you see this you need to take advantage of every opportunity you get to make a combo with striped candies and colour bomb. Take advantage of every single sideways striped candy to get to the caged dragons and destroy candies at the edge. Even will the best of play you will probably remain one jelly of dragon short. The game is designed for players to use boosters. Even a lucky board on a legendary level is designed like that now, so it's best to keep your lollipop hammers and switches for these.

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