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πŸ“ Share your feedback on the latest levels 16 281 - 16 325

QueenB Posts: 14,258 Community Manager

Welcome to a vibrant spring adventure! Discover and play freshly bloomed new levels!

This week’s levels have just been released.Β 

Levels:Β 16 281 - 16 325Β (available on W10 platform).

Comment and leave your feedback which will be shared directly with the people behind the levels!

Note!Β Please stay on topic and only comment feedback regarding these levels.

Any issues with levels, comment in theΒ Support area, any other level feedback, please start aΒ new discussion.

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  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 5,943 Level 5

    Time to get Back...

  • Goldenswordz
    Goldenswordz Posts: 539 Level 3

    I came back to say this. Why is there a hazelnut on the post when they've been long-gone for at least 2 years now ? It feels like the team is well aware everyone wants the game to go back to its roots and you're messing with us.

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 5,943 Level 5

    Greetings @Goldenswordz! I think that it is there because it looks nice. Just as a child grows up and evolves so did the game...

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 5,943 Level 5
    edited March 10

    I have completed the 1st two episodes. I have been trying to use less boosters and having some success. We shall see @cookiemae. Still an episode race will throw me and some levels frustrated me. When playing old levels I prefer not to use any boosters.

    Did not start to play till Friday morning, no episode race. Managed to do two chocolate boxes for 20 bars of gold & work the Gold Rush for another 20 bars of gold, simultaneously. Good stuff! I played 19 new levels from this week and one that I had saved from last week.

    Saturday morning it looked like I had an episode race. Did not have the time to be in it and I would need to complete 11 new levels, so I made sure not to start the race in any way. The race indicated that I was in 1st place. Also, I do not like to be in too big of a hurry to finish my levels because there just might be a good side game the next day. Unfortunately not today (Sunday), Pass 50 new levels, come on?

    Well, this morning (Sunday) my race was waiting for me and indicated that I was in 2nd place, seems like it waited for me again? Won my race for another 45 bars of gold. Seems to maybe be a pattern?

    Stopping play on new levels for the day because there are days left before anymore come out.


  • Brandicorn
    Brandicorn Posts: 4 Newbie

    Tifi is favorite character because she’s the main character. Bring back the cheerios and nuts please:

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 5,943 Level 5

    Finished all new levels yesterday but the last two. Planned on only leaving one but a change of the Chocolate Box to a 2X on the Gold Chocolate Box, which is nice, reverted mine back to the Classic Chocolate Box, not nice.

    Anyway, I have been thinking on how to maybe sway things a little more to our liking. When we are talking only negatively about the levels, we are not getting our points across as to what we actually like. If we could tell the "powers that be" what we found most acceptable by simply stating which level we liked the most out of a set of episodes well, maybe that could be something that could be more clearly understood. It would be material to be studied. I pick Level 16317 so far this week.

    If path does not work, try another.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?