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Why don't I have Top That on latest IPad?

Aries2020 Posts: 44 Level 2

Ever since Top That rolled out, I have it on a 5 yr old Android tablet and a 7 yr old IPad, but I don't have it on the latest IPad I purchased a month ago. I would think, if anything, it would be the other way around, no? Or at least, it would be available on a latest model mobile device. Especially an Apple device. I am signed/linked into my King acct on the new Ipad as well. Why do all these events have to be different on every single device and OS? Why can't everyone have access to the same events and features? Or is it that you have to have reached a certain level to get access to certain events? I am in the 600+ levels on the new Ipad. This is so frustrating.


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 151,237 Candy Moderator

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Thank you for the feedback . Please note that special events like these are bonus features in the game and, therefore, are not designed to be there permanently. To help keep things fresh and exciting, our studio tweaks and introduces new features every so often. As such, they need to check these during gameplay thoroughly so that these special features may appear or disappear during ongoing tests and scheduled maintenance checks.

    Please check also this page here

  • Aries2020
    Aries2020 Posts: 44 Level 2

    I don't want the generic bot response to my question. Especially if the answer doesn't make any sense. It's not about appearing or disappearing. It's about Top That being available on every single other device in our home at the time it comes up each week EXCEPT one single iPad. My question is - why isn't this event available on this one device but is available on every single other device?

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 14,317 Community Manager

    Hi Aries2020,

    Thanks for reaching out and I'm sorry to hear about the frustration you're experiencing with the availability of certain features across different devices. This is a common issue that can sometimes be confusing.

    Sometimes new features such as Top That, gets rolled out for testing and it can go to a group of players or a group of specific device before it gets rolled out to everyone.

    It's comment to have a feature in one device but not the other and this is because we want to ensure stability and performance across various device types and operating systems.

    In some cases, features are also rolled out based on account specifics, which might include factors like how long the account has been active, player engagement, and other behind-the-scenes considerations. Since your new iPad might not have all the same data as your older devices, this can affect what features are immediately available.

    I recommend ensuring that your game is updated to the latest version on your new iPad and periodically restarting the app to check for any updates or changes in feature availability. If the issue persists, then the device simply does not have access to the feature.

    Hope this helps 🙂

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