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No puedo recuperar mi progreso en el juego, había superado el nivel 10.000. Registre mi progreso en la cuenta *Edited by CM*, pero esa cuenta no existe y no puedo recuperar el juego. Alguien puede ayudarme, por favor
*Edited by CM: That's too much personal information. For your own safety and protection do not share your email address - Our House Rules
Hello @charruca1974_ If you have an email login go into settings (the small pink cogwheel at the top of the map) in the game then "my account" and on this screen choose "already have a King account? login with email" at the bottom.
If you have tried this and it does not work then only Player Support can retrieve your game, so please contact them from the app. Got to settings and click on the ? icon. Then scroll through the options until you see "contact us" at the bottom.