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Playing the same account on two devices: problems

christinewupp Posts: 8,595 Legend
edited September 8 in Discussions

I have recently added my iphone as a second device to my account, which I have been playing on the iPad.

Have any of you got any experience with playing on two devices? It is explicitly allowed by King and yet I find that I lost Candy Royale at the end of my latest episode. It just disappeared midway through the event, although I did not lose a level on either device. Now I am unable to connect to the app store on my iPhone if I fail a level, though I can buy boosters with gold and watch adverts. Anyone else had any such experience? Do any of you know how best to avoid the game glitching like this? I never had any of these problems when playing the game only on one device.



  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,228 Level 5
    edited September 9

    Greetings @christinewupp! I play the same account (only one I got) on 4 devices. Although at times there are some syncing problems mainly everything goes pretty good most of the time. However, things do disappear at times! I play on my mobile, PC, my laptop, Papa Bear/hubby's laptop. I do not have the same events/features on all. I find that my available pre-game starting boosters are not always the same for a given level on different devices As far as the app store goes, I have never purchased anything. I have never participated in the Candy Royale or the Star Tournament.

    P.S. Glitches have always been a happening since the beginning…I think that they are here to stay…Play different versions.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 8,595 Legend

    Thanks for the info.

    This morning everything seems in synch again, including the events. Candy Royale popped up again, on the lower tier (18 levels for the lowest tier? These differing events never cease to bewilder me.) but to be completely on the safe side I played all 18 levels in one go on one device, passed them all easily with the boosters from the weekly race and won 250 gold bars for it! Good old Monday mornings!

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,228 Level 5

    @christinewupp sounds like a successful Monday morning! I am concentrating on Top That, the Chocolate Box and my Daily Win is almost ready, one to go. I have not had an Episode/Champion Race in several weeks. If it is a choice between playing the Chocolate Box or an Episode Race I prefer playing the Chocolate Box. Do you play the Facebook browser version?

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 8,595 Legend
    edited September 10

    I have now successfully played one full episode on both of my devices and would like to share my findings.

    I played each level at exactly the same time without logging out. I passed each level on both devices. Levels were easy this morning (Tuesday September 10th 2024).

    Episode 3831-3845. The first two levels were ridiculously easy to pass. The next four levels easy with win streak boosters. I had timed boosters from an event on the iPhone, no starting boosters on the iPad. There was no noticeable difference in level difficulty from these timed starting boosters. This was an interesting episode as the first seven levels were unrated, the last 8 levels all rated super hard/nightmarishly hard or legendary! Legendary level 3838 required one lollipop on iPad and one hand switch on iPhone, so identical outcome. Nightmarishly level 3839 required one UFO which I played to fulfill gold chocolate box order on one device, on the other device I was given the UFO for watching ads, so essentially identical on both devices. Levels 3840 to 3845 were all easy to pass with starting boosters plus win streak boosters.

    Using the same general strategy on both devices, the game boards and play was different, but the outcomes were identical on both devices.


    Jelly streak - synching on both devices and counting once only for each level passed

    win streak/lucky egg - same win streak and both devices had the lucky egg with five egg choices. I got the UFO on one device, timed boosters on the other, both hitting the egg in the middle.

    Chocolate box and Season Pass

    - synching on both devices and I think all candies counting (I did not really check, sorry, will do next time) I claimed chocolate box on one device, did not claim anything in Season Pass

    Top That - started off at the same level but not in synch when both games are open. Each device counting blues separately and gaining the reward separately.

    weekly contest - synching both devices and each level counted only once

    No glitches at all playing this way. I'm assuming this is how the game intends for us to play.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 8,595 Legend
    edited September 10

    The next episode was slightly more complicated. I failed some levels on the iPad, passed all on first attempt on the iPhone.


    Chocolate box is counting separately for each device while the game is open. After closing and reopening both devices synch to the higher/more advanced state of the chocolate box. So they don't add up. But this has its uses certainly.

    TopThat is confusing. Counts separately for both devices and boosters can be claimed on both devices if we stay logged in. If I close and refresh the game will synch to the higher/more advanced level for both but then grant the previous reward as well.

    Episode race is cheating me out of 5 gold bars. I have no idea if this is new or has been going on for a long time. I never kept track. Very annoying!

    Jelly streak/win streak - definitely not working right. I passed every level on the iPhone without closing the game, but the game refreshed after I failed a level on the iPad: The screen flickered on the iPhone and my win streak went to zero on both devices. On another occasion I closed mid level as I was about to fail and when I reopened and synched to the next level with my other device, my win streak was in tact on both.

    End of the testing phase. I'll play each episode on just one device as it's more reliable, but pick whichever seems easier, which seems to differ from one episode to another. Use the other device to fill the first three chocolates in the box.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 8,595 Legend
    edited September 11

    I am definitely struggling to avoid glitches while playing on two devices. If I am to play "as intended by the game" then using two devices is a no-no. At the moment every time I log into my iPad I get this screen.

    I mean, every time! So clearly there is a glitch in the Top That event. And I have not the faintest idea what I have done to cause this. All I have done is tried to play as the game allows and wants me to play. 🤔

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 8,595 Legend

    Episode race update: I decided to play the entire next episode just on the iPad while iPhone was turned off without even starting the same episode. I did get the 35 gold as promised by the claim button. I watch an ad for one extra gold bar, but didn't get that.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 8,595 Legend

    I can't help myself. Trying it all out again. I played one episode on the iPad only. All was well. Then I played the first two levels of the next episode on the iPhone.

    All seems well:

    Gold club progress is in synch. Chocolate box progress is in synch. Top That progress is NOT synched.

    And when I then open the game on the iPad, even after closing the iPhone game off I get this:

    The first level of the episode is blinking on and off….

    Definitely not recommending playing the game on two devices unless you are looking for a cheat. With so many glitches I'm sure there will be plenty of those around. But I'm trying to play it straight on this account, so it's definitely not for me!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?