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Hello everyone! Since the removal of the original episodes in Candy Crush Saga, all the stories are absent. But that's not the end of the world. There's still more fun along the way. I don't know if you will like this story, but starting from now, there will be stories in the Candy Crush Saga section of the King Community.

Chapter 1: Tiffi Starts the Lemonade Lake Quest

It was a sunny day in the Candy Kingdom. Tiffi was resting on the beach of Lemonade Lake. She was so tired after trying to help Denize fill the lake with lemonade. It was already her second time. The first time, all she had to do was to turn a handle. But yesterday, the handle was gone! It was replaced with a small patch of bubblegum. This made Tiffi think that it was the Bubblegum Troll who caused to problem. Now, she was resting because she's so tired.

Tiffi was dreaming when Denize called, "What about the lemonade? It's not filling the lake. Help me!" Tiffi quickly opened her eyes. In her dream, she was on a quest to find the Bubblegum Troll. When she found him, she nicely asked for the handle. The troll saw how sweet Tiffi was, so he gave it back and asked for forgiveness. But now Tiffi realized it's just a dream. The troll would never do that. "Quick!" Denize wailed. Tiffi rubbed her face. This will start a new day.

"Alright, the quest resumes," Tiffi said to herself. ♦️

Be ready for Chapter 2 of the story, and stay up to date! Tagging some members of the community that might be interested...

@kiara_wael @rajdeeptb @aijaziqbal @Spinnifix @Pounawea @Lola_Pop @CandyCrushIsCool @Anahita_2005 @rainbowruby @Elsa @gr33n3y3z and the community's tagging king, @Diamond Lim


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