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Is everyone really happy about the current map?



  • Of course NO!!!

  • adamzki321
    adamzki321 Posts: 44

    Level 3

    @NamTruong2001 You dont like the idea?

  • I mean I don't like the looping map, it's boring and it's not feeling like SAGA at all.

  • @adamzki321 Hello there. 👋👋 You are not the only one that doesn't like the New Map, a lot of people have complained and stated their opinions on the subject. Especially about the Scrolling.

    I agree with you 💯% , the New Map is very boring and we have NO clue on what Episode we are in. Try to over look it and perhaps start a poll on it, maybe then something will be done about it.

    And may you have a GREAT day!!🤗😍🤗

  • adamzki321
    adamzki321 Posts: 44

    Level 3

    @crabapple should i put this to the ideas section? I have posted this idea before so it will probably get shut down. And there was actually pretty many that liked the idea. Is there any other way to start a poll?

  • crabapple
    crabapple Posts: 740
    edited November 2020

    @adamzki321 Maybe this will help you, just read up on all Polls to make sure you aren't repeating it.

    Bless you and have a GREAT day!! 🤗😍🤗

  • adamzki321
    adamzki321 Posts: 44

    Level 3

    @crabapple The "new poll" option dosnt show up for me. I clicked new discussion but it only shows ask a question and new discussion.

  • Annwat
    Annwat Posts: 180

    Thanks for the tag @Diamond Lim‼️ I don’t know anything about the “old” vs. “new” map differences since I’m newer to playing. However, I’m always down for changes/improvements that keep the players happy and entertained! ☺️✌️

  • adamzki321
    adamzki321 Posts: 44

    Level 3

    @Annwat The map before consisted of over 500 unique episodes but King replaced it with a map that only has 10 episodes repeating.

  • rebelchild
    rebelchild Posts: 17,783

    Thanks for the tag @diam @Diamond Lim

    I basically play what I am given. I do remember the old map and agree that the various episodes was nice. I play on my mobile device so I am not able to download any more with out deleting games. But what ever the decision/ solution I'll still be crushing.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?