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Candies self detonating

f3mom Posts: 11

Level 2

When playing the game why have the candies started to self detonate in the last thousand or so round I have played? This wastes many lives and I am not able to advance as I was .

I am talking about wrapped candies and striped candies of different colors bouncing together and going off with just a single line destroyed Instead of allowing me to pick the time and destroy a 3line by 3 line area? Or color bombs just going off when a cascade hits? This is severely diminishing my enjoyment and is very frustrating.

I am am also not seeing ANY ads. I have seen ads from the start. Is there a certain level where you lose ads or is it because I started using gold bars more? And I even made a small purchase. (Which I won’t be doing anymore~ I just happened to have a little in my iTunes account and my kids were fighting over who got to pick the last few songs so I used it. Lol) I am only on level 1746.

i am am up to date on all updates, but I can’t seem to stop the spontaneous combustions. If this is a higher level thing then it’s obvious I have outplayed my welcome, as I prefer to strategize and can not do that if I can’t use my boosters the way I prefer. Or am I missing something?

Thank you.



  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @f3mom Hi and welcome, I have not heard of any issues with the special candies just randomly going of for a long time. if it would be possible to do a short video of this might be able to help to see if there is an issue and to pass on to get looked at. i am on the later levels and can say i have not noticed this

    The video ads feature is a bonus feature and is not always guaranteed to be in your game, It is given to groups of randomly selected people, so this just means your not in that group at present but you could be again in the future. It can also be missing due to temporary problems

    To make sure your getting the features available to you check your game is up to date and log out and restart your device , then log back in. regularly do this to keep your game as up to date as possible

    Thank you

  • f3mom
    f3mom Posts: 11

    Level 2

    I will be honest, I don’t know how to make a video of me playing the game except for filming with my phone while playing on my iPad.

    And its happening. I can promise you that. It’s been going on for quite a long time.

    I just kept thinking it was a small glitch and then decided that maybe it was to make the levels harder. Then I realized that makes no sense because if that was the case they wouldn’t offer the move.

    It it happens with color bombs and wrapped and striped.

  • Werner_Cichy
    Werner_Cichy Posts: 30,252

    It was some time ago that there was the problem that the paint bombs explode by themselves. This has since been fixed. I'm also at the top, but I always play the lowest levels in Challenge. I didn't notice anything.

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @f3mom Hi any video would be helpful to highlight the issue, they will go off if when cascading they make links of the same color candy. Easier to check when you can slow a video down

    Thank you

  • f3mom
    f3mom Posts: 11

    Level 2

    is it possible to record with an iPad?

  • Autofire
    Autofire Posts: 109
    edited January 2021

    @f3mom yes, you need at least an iPod Nano 5 or an iPhone, iPad or a computer with a camera linked to it (laptop). if you are asking about ios, you need at least version 11 on an ipod touch, linking the game to your account may be neccecary (btw, you need an ipod touch 6)

  • Autofire
    Autofire Posts: 109
    edited January 2021

    @f3mom oh... i am sorry, the font is weird, but yes, it must be an ipad 5 or later, an ipad 4 will only run up to ios 10.4.4, i have an old gen 4 ipad

  • GizmoBossLady
    GizmoBossLady Posts: 14

    Level 2

    Ads at level 7000

  • Autofire
    Autofire Posts: 109

    what??? are you playing the unsupported flash version or are you playing the HTML5 (mobile) ver.? the HTML5 ver. has built in ads, even with no internet, you get the king game ads.

  • f3mom
    f3mom Posts: 11

    Level 2

    as far as I know I am playing the same way I always have. Tell me where to look and I will see. I know I am on the internet I just did a zoom meeting. Lol.

    I havent been offerent extra spins for more moves, more lives or boosters in weeks.

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