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📸🍬 oops what went wrong 🤷‍♀️ win gold by telling us❄ (finished)



  • assia_yehia88
    assia_yehia88 Posts: 65

    Level 3


  • King_Neal
    King_Neal Posts: 1,700

    Thanks for tagging me @Diamond Lim

    Hi @Elsa and @PrettyBubbles

    Thanks for another fun contest. Here is my list of differences:

    1) Odus is missing

    2) The cloud above Mr. Toffee is missing

    3) The stripes are missing from the blue striped candy

    4) Tiffi is missing her hair bangs

    5) Tiffi is missing the blush marks on her cheeks

    6) Mr. Toffee is missing an eye (yikes!)

  • assia_yehia88
    assia_yehia88 Posts: 65

    Level 3

    Hey everyone I thought it would be fun to Post funny gif’s and meme’s to help during this hard time

    @kiara_wael @Lim @stan1981 @Glenn1972 @candycrushinit @bearwithme @BQN537 can u guys help me tag more people to join

  • assia_yehia88
    assia_yehia88 Posts: 65

    Level 3


  • MonroeH
    MonroeH Posts: 153

    Missing in the 2nd picture:


    The cloud above Mr T's head

    Mr T's left eye

    Tiffi's hair

    Tiffi's pink cheeks

    The stripes on Tiffi's blue ball

  • rebelchild
    rebelchild Posts: 17,781

    @PrettyBubbles . And @Elsa here is my discovery

    1odus is missing

    2 Mr toffee has only one eye

    3 the stripes on the blue candy

    4 tiffi is missing her bangs

    5 the one cloud is missing

    6 tiffi is missing her cheek coloring

  • teresawallace44
    teresawallace44 Posts: 4,436
    edited February 2021

    Hi @PrettyBubbles

    Here’s the differences I found...

    1 Odus the Owl is missing

    2 The striped candy doesn’t have as many stripes

    3 Tiffi’s hair is missing

    4 Tiffi’s red cheeks are missing 

    5 Mr Toffee’s eye is missing

    6 Cloud is missing

    Thanks for the tag @Diamond Lim 💕

    Teresa 🦋🌺🦋

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717

    Hi @PrettyBubbles here's the missing items as circled as per the second image below 😅

  • Archana_vinoth143
    Archana_vinoth143 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    1. Cloud near the left side tree

    2. Tiffi's cheeks

    3. No Stripes on Blue Candy 

    4. Tiffi's Hair

    5.No Odus

    6.No right eyes of Mr. Toffee's

  • saurabh2020
    saurabh2020 Posts: 47

    Level 3

    Here are my answer

    1 Odus is missing

    2 The striped candy dont have some stripes

    3 Cloud is missing

    4 Mr Toffee’s eye is missing

    5 Tiffi’s red cheeks are missing

    6 Tiffi’s hair is missing

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