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🎬️ Video ads disappearing or not available



  • olyamt
    olyamt Posts: 245

    Started playing back in 2012, almost since day 1. NOT EVEN ONCE did I have any kind of videos, boosters, ads, extra spins, etc. I'm tired of hearing I'm not a part of some kind of test group. While newbies gets all the perks and can advance really fast with all the free stuff, players like me have to stay on same hard levels for days or spend money. Seems really unfair to loyal players.

  • Elicandy
    Elicandy Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Pero a una amiga que está en niveles iniciales, sí le aparecen los anuncios... Y a mi no 😣

  • twingader
    twingader Posts: 63

    Level 3

    Why did this change occur when I joined the king community? I don’t get the ads. Boosters or extra lives. Before I always did. I see others with hundreds. Idk. Getting frustrated with this. I’m not sure if spending money fir this is anything I want to do anymore. I used this as a stress reliever. Now it’s causing stress

  • maryjane117
    maryjane117 Posts: 537

    Oh man! Watching videos for extra lives would be awesome!!! I think that's a super helpful idea as waiting in between lives can be annoying

  • magichour
    magichour Posts: 67

    Level 3

    Candy crush is the best game ever

  • magichour
    magichour Posts: 67

    Level 3

    We all have our ups and downs with the game. Sometimes it’s hard when they change things up. Like removing things your used to but hey it’s just a game

  • lisa_lo24
    lisa_lo24 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Thanks for stating the obvious. When the playing field isn't even doesn't quite seem fair.

  • ycny
    ycny Posts: 1

    Level 1

    But i havent see any ads for over 2 months now, where i can alwasys see it before

  • charshay420
    charshay420 Posts: 12

    Level 2

    Thanks for letting us know what is going on about the ads ...... BUT FOR REAL PLEASE BRING IT BACK,💯🙏🙏🤞🤞

  • fpr
    fpr Posts: 2

    Level 1

    The ad videos always came and went. But they have never been off for so long like now.

    It’s been quite a few months without it, and I’ve been playing a lot less because of it.

    One would think that it would make sense to King to keep the players playing, and I don’t understand how taking the ads can be beneficial to them, but who am I to know?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?