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๐ŸŒถ๏ธ๐Ÿฌ Hot & Sweet right now in Candy Crush Saga!

Well... THAT'S a new one. ๐Ÿ˜’



  • LindQ
    LindQ Posts: 562 Kingster

    This is not a known problem with this level, but I will definitely take a look at this! You don't per chance have a screenshot of what your board looked like when the message appeared? Sometimes on smaller starting boards a player can get super unlucky with the placements of PGB, but it seems extremely unlikely in this case. Hm.. This is an interesting one!

  • MajorMinimalBrowning
    MajorMinimalBrowning Posts: 111 Level 3

    @LindQ Well, no... as the circumstance was entirely unanticipated; whereupon, as you know, the immediate and irreversible obfuscation of the board is triggered as it were a funereal pall lest the player obtain insight into the extent of hi(r) plight and thus perchance be at liberty to make an informed decision as to whether or not it would behoove them to try their luck with a meager 5 additional rounds chambered up (if that indeed were an available option, that is)... no, I'm afraid that would have been quite impossible. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

    I can only provide what remained to be seen after dusting myself off and wondering where that rascal of a rug I'd sworn had so recently been underfoot had made off to;


    Incidentally, "extremely unlikely" happens to be quite par for the course in the bizarre urban legend/cautionary tale also known as my life... (my memoirs would read like science fiction).

    Oh, who am I kidding? They'd more accurately resemble some tawdry dime store novel of the lowest order interspersed with interludes that call to mind the sensationalist rags with the monosyllabic title commonly found loitering impish just beyond the purview of the check out girl who can never quite make direct eye contact with you for fear that last night's indiscretions might inadvertently seep through the cups of her eyes to be discerned with the unflattering clarity of......

  • MajorMinimalBrowning
    MajorMinimalBrowning Posts: 111 Level 3

    @LindQ I finally nailed that photo op you'd conscripted earlier; it wasn't easy, beLIEVE you ME...; there's an unfortunate measure of atmospheric interference (no more than could be expected I should think -- nothing that can't be resolved with a little TLC and the latest patch for Photoshop 2023 but when all's said and done you're gonna LOVE it) My wristwatch went haywire (not sure what THAT was about) and I'm defs going to need a new phone, but... I'd been meaning to upgrade anywho.

    I'll give you a little sneak peek as I know you'd been anxious to see what I'd come up with. (We can go over the itemization of our account when you get back to base camp).

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 14,852 Legend

    The Truth Is Out There!

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 14,852 Legend
    edited May 2021

    I believe in isometric projection. It is just a different way of looking at things. It is just a two dimensional representation of a three dimensional subject.

    Your diagram is misleading as with isometric projection one two dimensional view is never used on its own. You always require three isoplanes.

  • MajorMinimalBrowning
    MajorMinimalBrowning Posts: 111 Level 3

    Well ya can't please everybody, I guess. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

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